Call me in the morning to apologize

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Natasha awoke with a start, immediately becoming aware of a weight resting on her chest. She was lying flat on her back, her arms circled around a sleeping Wanda Maximoff who was currently curled on top of her. She remained completely still, watching Wanda's body rise and fall slowly and breathing in her sweet, earthy scent.

Natasha pondered her situation; she had known Wanda for little more than 2 weeks and yet the girl was now sleeping on top of her. 2 weeks, she acknowledged, was quite a long time period when a group of superheroes lived together and bonded over shared trauma. Natasha had been angry at Wanda since the attack on her mind and avoided her at every turn, yet here she was. She seemed to take Wanda's attack more personally than the others did, perhaps because it made her feel vulnerable in a way she never had and it now meant she had to share a living space with someone who knew her darkest secrets. She guessed after last night the scales had been balanced a little; she had not only experienced Wanda's nightmares but also the emotions she felt at the time. Being this open and exposed to someone was a foreign concept to Natasha and she wasn't comfortable with it at all. She didn't want to become Wanda's confidant, she didn't want to comfort her or even train her, she wanted to close herself off from the only person she felt could see her soul every time they made eye contact. What Natasha didn't realise, was that she feared Wanda's judgement and always felt a pang of panic every time she saw her, expecting to see disgust staring back at her. She also knew she was drawn to Wanda in a way she hadn't encountered before. She kept her distance yes, but also found her eyes would seek out Wanda whenever they were in the same room, she would observe her subtly and listen to her quiet conversations with the guys. Maybe it was because she was so on edge around the little witch; it was in her nature after all, to gather intelligence on potential threats. At least that's what she told herself.

She glanced at the clock as she felt Wanda begin to stir. 9am. Natasha couldn't believe she'd managed 6 dreamless hours sleep, particularly with the Sokovian invading her personal space. Natasha could feel Wanda's chest pressing up against her own, the curve of her hips noticeable under her hands, a tickle on her collar bone every time the girl exhaled.

Wanda's lashes fluttered as she revealed her rich, blue eyes, squinting slightly as they adjusted to the light. They were suddenly filled with panic as she realized she was lying on top of the Black Widow, cuddling her of all things.

"Hi" Wanda said quietly, embarrassed.

"Hi yourself, comfy?" Natasha teased. She felt more comfortable when Wanda was on edge; Wanda's reaction to their sleeping situation put her at ease immediately.

"I, erm, I'm sorry. I don't know how this happened" Wanda stammered, still on top of Natasha.

"Its fine, forget it, clearly I make a good pillow huh?" Natasha chuckled as Wanda began to blush.

"Come on, get changed, time for breakfast" She said, deciding to spare Wanda from any further embarrassment.

Wanda nodded, rolling off Natasha gently and standing up. She stretched her whole body out, her tank top lifting slightly, exposing a small flash of smooth abdomen.

"I'm gonna head back to my room to change. Then I'll make a start on breakfast. Any preference? Waffles? Pancakes? Cereal?"

"Anything is fine, thank you Natasha" Wanda replied, staring at her feet awkwardly.

"Back to Natasha now? It was Nat last night." Nat winked and rose, heading to her room and laughing to herself down corridor at the image of Wanda's ears turning bright red.

Natasha changed into Clint's shield hoodie and a pair of leggings after a quick shower. She entered the kitchen and Wanda was already there; sat at the island next to Vision. A spark of annoyance flashed in Natasha eyes. She ignored them and started preparing waffles.

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