1.) Snowcones

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(TW: homophobia and bullying)

Pairing- byler

Pov will
Summer, 1983
8:54 AM

I woke up in this dusty ass cabin I had to share with the kids that bullied me all of middle school

I sighed as I got out of the rickety bed and walked to the bathroom

I looked in the mirror and rolled my eyes at the drawings on my face

I scrubbed them off before turning around to find them staring at me

"morning fag now move your ass" Troy scoffed, pushing me out of the bathroom

I stumbled out and landed on my knees

I hissed as my newly scraped knees hit the dirty wood

I got up and started to change when I heard a small snicker before feeling one of them punch my bare ribcage

I winced and glared at James who was laughing at me

I sighed and finished changing before leaving the cabin

I sat down with Eddie and Steve, putting my head down

"Byers you ok?" Steve asked, ruffling my hair

"Yeah I'm fine" I mumbled, not wanting to cause any trouble

I heard him whisper something to Eddie and then I just felt their eyes bore into me

"I can feel you staring so spit it out" I said, picking my head up to glare at them

"Oh it's nothing" they both reassured with a wave of their hands

I nodded "what's going on today?"

"The counselors are making snowcones for everyone" Eddie informed me

" Cherry and blue raspberry " Steve interjected

"Oh sweet" I smiled a bit before seeing a certain wheeler walk out of his cabin

I felt my cheeks get hot as I put my head down again

"Ugh it's so hot" he whined, sitting down

Michael Wheeler, my best friend since 1st grade, my gay awakening, the boy I have a crush on.

I chuckled a bit "you're so whiny" I said looking up at him with a smile

"Yeah yeah, max has told me" he smiled

I sighed and looked at his cabin, El and Max were walking over to us

"Mike, we're inviting everyone to the cabin for some games tonight, don't tell Steve or Eddie" El said with a small smile, before looking at me "come tonight?" She asked

"Of course I will" I smiled at her

Her and Max ran to Dustin and Lucas's cabin, probably to wake and tell them about their plan

"Will, you ok? You seem kinda off" Mike said, waving his hand infront of my face

"Oh, yeah, yeah I'm fine" I said, giving him a gentle smile

"Are James and Troy fucking with you?" He asked, getting close to me

I could almost feel his breath on my face as I shook my head "n-no, they're fine" I laughed nervously

He pulled his face away from mine and shrugged "Ok"

"What're the counselors doing for us?" He asked

"Snowcones, cherry and blue raspberry" I replied

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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