10. The Hospital

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They pulled up to the hospital and Nancy pulled into a parking space. Sydney hadn't been more grateful for a car ride to end since Going to max's house one day after school with Billy driving.

"thank god that's over" Sydney whispered to max as they got out of the car, Sydney legs still shaking.

They walked through the front door and kept going passed reception.

"whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me!" the receptionist yelled putting down the phone. "where do you think you are going?"

"oh um... I was just going to visit my grandma again. and this is ... this is my family" Nancy said smiling.

"extended" Lucas said. the receptionist looked the black boy up and down.

"I don't care who they are. you know the rules. Two visitors at a time." the receptionist insisted.

"Yeah, but-" Nancy tried to explain

"Two!" the receptionist held up two fingers. "Girl, this child has lost her mind. she brought a whole zoo in here" She picked up her phone again

"ok, I'll go with nance, you guys stay here. Do you have some money for the vending machines?" Jonathan asked the group and Lucas nodded.

"Ok we'll be back soon" Nancy said walking to the direction of the lift.

The Party walked over to the waiting area. "Would not like to be in that lift right now" Sydney stretched out her hands. Max, El and Sydney made their way over to the pile of magazines to see if there were any good ones while the boys got some snacks.

"oh come on, you piece of shit!" mile yelled, banging on the vending machine. Suddenly almost all the candy fell out of their holders. El wiped her nose.

"Thanks" mike said while Lucas bended over and scooped out all the treats.

"hey, do you want some skittles?" Lucas asks max

"sure! why not?" max shrugged as lucas threw some up in the air for max to catch.

Mike went over and sat on the other side of eleven. He gave Syd a nod to say leave the pair alone, then gave the same one to will. the two walked off together and leaned against the wall.

"Ugh i hate when they do that!" Will sighed

"Do what?"

"Go into their couples. it's like they don't even have time for us anymore"

"Hey don't say that!" Sydney nudged the boy. "They soon will realize that we are actually amazing and they will never want to leave our side."

Will laughed. "yeah...maybe. How are you?"

"could be better. Last night... i don't know, i thought for a moment me and max might actully kiss. but then she stood up and just went to bed and since that everything has been different and i dont know what to do." Sydney ranted

"Sounds like you need to clear the air with her" will advised. "Talk to her, and then things might be better."

"Will you really are the wisest out of us all"


"no problem. im gonna go to the toilet, see ya after" Sydney walked of into the bathroom.

She walked up to the mirror and examined her cut. "Could be a lot worse" she muttered to herself. she just stood there staring at her reflection. Suddenly she broke down crying. she didn't know why but she just need to cry.

The door creaked open. Max came in. She rushed over to the girl who was crying.

"Oh my god rose, whats wrong?" max hugged the girl

"i messed everything up!" Sydney sobbed

"What? What did you mess up?"

"us. last night, i-"

"last night, wasn't your fault. i should've never left. i made things awkward, not you. i'm sorry i've been distant. i'm just confused, about... everything. I think i like you. Like like like you. and i don't know why or how or when, cause i thought i liked lucas but recently...i don't know things have been different and-"

Max was interrupted by Sydney's lips on hers. Butterflies flooded through Sydney's body and warmth shot all around her. Sydney pulled away. "I've wanted to do that for a long time" Sydney laughed they're foreheads still touching. "And don't worry, we can figure out labels and everything later"

Max grabbed Syds hand and stoked her figure along it. they girls stayed like that for a couple of moments, smiling at each other.

The lights started flicker. The two girls looked at each other. "Mrs. Driscoll" they said in unison. They ran out of the bathroom, hand in hand, and went into the waiting room where the others were all standing up.

"Where were you guys?" mike yelled.

"the bathroom!" Sydney shouted back to him

"He's here" will shivered touching the back of his neck.

"Nancy" mike said.

"Jonathan." will said

The party stormed past the yelling receptionist. They ran up the stairs and followed the sound of Jonathan yelling. Jonathan saw they party running down the hall.

"Help!" he yelled.

El screamed and flung the door right off it hinges.

"Jesus" Mike said when he saw the monster

"what the fuck-" max yelled

Standing in front of them was some gooey, red mush monster. It turned and roared at the group. Eleven yelled and threw the monster from side to side, banging it off the walls. she threw her two hands forward and the moneter went flying into the window, breaking the glass and falling down to the street.

"Go!" Eleven said to jonathan as he ran to nancy.

The party ran down the stairs again and out the front doors where they saw the monster melting and crawling towards the drain. it was down into the sewers leaving a tail fo bones behind it.

Ahhhh it happened yay! Also don't be a ghost rider, please comment and vote as it means alot xx

Looking back on this a few months later, I actually hate this but I'm to lazy to rewrite it all now but I will eventually

Looking back on this a few months later, I actually hate this but I'm to lazy to rewrite it all now but I will eventually

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