Chapter VI

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Following a werewolf was not something that Sam did on a cold winter's day. The snow was falling, and they were still walking. At first, Sam thought that maybe the reason behind this Thomas guy leading him through the forest was to lure him into a trap. But Sam couldn't exactly concentrate. All around him, things acted strange. For starters, he could see all the tiny designs that made every snowflake unique. He also heard little claws running all up and down the tree branches. The squirrels apparently were having the time of their lives chasing each other or chasing their mates. Things were kind of hard to process, not only that, but there were also strange smells that he never actually thought were possible.

"I take it you're intrigued by the sounds and the tiniest of things?" Thomas asked, pulling Sam out of his thoughts.

"I mean, it is interesting, but I'm still kind of shocked that all these little objects and designs are all unique," Sam answered. "How can I even do this?"

"Because you're a wolf, and as wolves, our senses are heightened and we can do things that humans can only dream of," Thomas explained. "Well, here we are!" Thomas stepped through the openings in the trees, followed by Sam. The minute that they stepped forward, the beauty before him made Sam go speechless. There were wolves of different sizes and ages, but a lot of them were slim, fitted, or more lean. Each individual wolf in their human state was living in a wooden cabin. It was an entire community of wolves and they were working together as one constantly in sync. Thomas led Sam through the entire community. All around them he saw kids, no wolf pups, running around and playing together. "Welcome to our little community." On cue, two wolf pups came running toward them. A smile appeared on Sam's face as the two young kids wrapped their arms around Thomas. Sam glanced between the kids and Thomas before he put the pieces together. They were related. Most likely, the kids belonged to Thomas.

"Are they yours?" Sam asked, just to confirm their suspicions.

"Yeah," Thomas said. "Always little munchkins if I say so."

"Daddy!" the young boy exclaimed. "Mommy whipped up some lunch. If you want anything, you better get back to the house."

"Yeah!" exclaimed the young girl. "Mommy said that if you don't come now, she'll eat all the duck!"

"Alright, alright," Thomas said with a chuckle. "Go tell your mother that I'll be there soon."

"Okay!" the two kids said instantly and took off toward the cabin. Sam tried to hold back a smile, but it was hard for him to do that.

"I'd better get going. Look around, I'll meet up with you after dinner." Thomas said, and made his way back to his own cabin, leaving Sam to wander around the camp.


The fledgling before Vladimir was a stubborn as a bat. No matter what he tried to do, the newly turned vampire kept avoiding the taste of blood. He wasn't sure how he could resist it, but that was going to change even if he had to force feed Dean human blood. Nothing was going to keep him from avoiding anything in particular especially the taste of blood. Angrily, Vladimir shoved things off a nearby table trying to keep himself from getting much worse.

"Look vampy, I don't know why you think i'll give in to drinking human blood but I will tell you exactly what I told Lisa and that Agby person," Dean said. "I will never drink human blood, although it would have also been nice if you'd let me go."

"I will not let you go," Vladimir said. "You will only try to kill me."

"Gee, I wonder why," Dean responded. "Probably because you and some nut job turned me into this!" Vladimir remained calm and thought about ways that could help him get on Dean's good side and to trust him. A sudden idea came to him and he smirked without Dean noticing. He turned back to face his captive and kneeled before him.

"How about I let you go, but I'm going to show you the reason we turned you?" Dean went silent, unable to come back with a snarky remark. "I thought that might interest you, you are a vampire, and don't think you haven't noticed your little brother acting more doglike than you knew before." Dean stayed quiet while Vladimir made his way over and untied Dean. Dean stood, and just as he attacked Vlad, the elder vampire struck back harder and kicked Dean against the table. Dean panted, unprepared for the sudden attack. "Really? You thought it was going to be this easy?"

"You dick." Dean panted.

"Look, all I want to do is take you around our little nest and see how you'll fit in with us."

"I'll pass," Dean responded and attempted to punch Vlad in the face but he was one step ahead of the new vampire and grabbed his fist. He twisted his wrist and pushed it behind him. Dean groaned in pain. "Let me go!"

"No!" Vlad exclaimed. "Now either you listen to what I have to say or I'll show you more of what I can do and trust me, it's going to be way more painful than you think. So what do you say?" he whispered into Dean's ear. "You either come with me or I'll make sure you're in a lot more pain."

"Fine!" Dean yelled, giving in to what the Elder vampire was saying.

"Good." Vlad let go of Dean and pushed him forward. "Now move." Dean frowned but rather than disobeying what Vlad said, he walked forward, unaware about where they were going and what they were going to do. 

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