Chapter XIII

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Dean sat in the cell expecting one of the vampires to approach him and force him into doing exactly what they wanted him to do. While he was a vampire, that didn't mean he wanted to go through and stop Vlad. The dick was a vampire and all he had to do was stab him with a wooden stake then chop off his head. However, no matter what Dean tried to do to escape, he couldn't get through the bars, they were just too thick and there was nothing Dean could do to free himself. He shook the bars and groaned in annoyance.

"Hello?!" Dean exclaimed. "I know someone is out there so you dicks better let me through otherwise I am going to stab you then chop your head off and put that on repeat!" At first no one seemed to pay attention, but the doors to the dungeon opened and stepping into the dimly lit lights was none other than Vlad. "You son of a bitch!"

"Now, now, you don't need to be so rude Dean." Vlad said. Dean growled, ready to tear the bastard apart. "I see you're comfy."

"Once I get out of here I will chop off your head." Dean threatened.

"Oh really, you won't after i'm done with you." At first Dean didn't quite understand what Vlad was talking about, although Vlad walked toward him and grabbed the bars. At first Dean didn't understand what he was doing, that is until he glanced at Vlad's eyes and suddenly found himself in a trance. 


Vlad remained absolutely still, but only said a few words toward Dean, who fell for his spell. He watched as Dean's eyes glossed over and he controlled everything that Dean thought.

"Now then," Vlad said. "I hope that you're going to be a little more obedient, Dean."

"Yes sir," Dean said. His voice sounded far off, like it was nothing more than a shell. "Whatever you say, sir." Vlad smirked and unlocked the cell, allowing Dean to step through.

"Since you are going to be obedient with me, I think it's time that we go through and discuss where this final battle is going to take place," Vlad explained. "But I also think that I need your help. Your brother, a wolf, is going to stop us, and I believe we need to stop him before he gets an advantage." Dean nodded as Vlad led him to the war room where everything was situated to help show where the battle is going to take place. "This battle will take place on the Cahokia Mounds, back when our ancestors fought against humanity, resulting in millions of deaths. Most likely, that's where we will make our final stand."

"What are your orders, sir?" Dean asked nonchalantly.

"Hunt down your brother and take him out, but if you can't take him out, then bring him to us. The last thing we need is for him to get in our way."

"You got it sir," Dean said. "I won't let you down."

"See to it you don't." Vlad said. Dean bowed and left the war room, leaving the building and going in search of his brother.


Taking out a vampire patrol group was not as easy as Sam had pictured. When he arrived at the abandoned neighborhood, Sam fought against the vampires, taking them out with wolflike speed. Those who didn't listen to him ended up with their head off their shoulders, literally. Searching for his brother through the neighborhood was a nightmare. He could have been anywhere. Sam continued walking through the abandoned town until he caught a whiff of something from a distance. Sam paused and looked around.

"Hello?" Sam called out. "De? Is that you?" Sam inched toward the building before someone's sudden speed attacked him, causing him to turn and fight back. He grabbed the person's hand and kicked him backwards. Only when he recovered did Sam notice who had attacked him. "Dean? What the hell?" Dean's fangs were out and like he was ready for his next meal. At first Sam worried Dean allowed his anger to control him, but that all changed when he saw the glazed expression in Dean's eyes. "This isn't you man, I think Vlad did something to you."

"Good seeing you too, little brother," Dean said nonchalantly. "I know you were going to stop Vlad from taking over and I would not let that happen." Dean ran at him. Thankfully, Sam reacted quickly and flipped Dean onto his back. Dean struggled back to his feet. But seeing that Sam wouldn't let him up, he used his feet and kicked him in the chest, sending him against the tree. Sam groaned and pushed himself off, desperate to get his brother back.

"I will not fight you!" Sam exclaimed. "Dean, we're brothers, and we never fight against each other. That's not who we are!" Another swing and Dean twisted Sam's arm behind his back. Sam groaned in pain as Dean wrapped his other arm around Sam's neck. "Please!" Sam choked, but suddenly, Sam found it hard to breathe and everything around him faded into black. 

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