Chapter 2

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Morning came. Awakeners were now preparing to be in the training room and the others were already there, stretching their body, well, except for one

"Satomi, you need to do stretching so your body won't hurt," one of the Baekho awakeners said to the sitting woman who was eating a cookie

"Why would I? I'm already strong"

That's what Jisuk heard after he entered the area. He grew an irk but ignored it and do his things beside Subin who was talking to the other Union awakeners.

"They said that the party was pretty chaotic," Subin said to Jusik as she saw him standing beside her

Jisuk shrugged and rolled his eyes, "I don't care about that"

"Do you think Jiwoo will do well?"

"He is. He's Jiwoo after all"

"Wooin will do well too"


"When will the training start?"

As if on cue, Suhan Kang from Baekho entered the room. He ordered everyone to line up and introduce themselves

Unfortunately for Jisuk, he's beside Satomi who was eating a cookie and hugging a box of it. He can hear her munching and stopping himself to cuss her out

"Subin Lee from Union, cryokinesis," she said with a smug smile on her face. Satomi nods at what she said

"Jisuk Yoo. Shinhwa. Aerokinesis" he simply said and look beside him to see what Satomi was doing but seeing her uninterested in him made him glare at her

Jisuk know that Satomi clapped for Subin and that made him mad already but knowing that she didn't clap for him made him want to punch her

"Hello, Suhan-sensei! I am Satomi Gojo from GAO and my awakening POWERS," then looked at Jisuk with a smirk, "are Limitless and Infinity!" 

Jisuk snapped and punch Satomi but something stopped him. Not someone but something. Everyone was shocked, except for Baekho, when they saw that Jisuk's punch stopped mid-air

"If you have a question about my powers, it is what you see right now," she said and smirk at Jisuk who retracted his punch and just 'tsked'

The introduction just went on and they train their body physically by different exercises.

From running to doing some sit-ups, Jisuk tried to beat Satomi but how can he defeat someone who's just sitting on the bench while eating?

Everyone was just looking at her like it was unfair that she was doing nothing

"Teacher," Boyoung said, "why is she not doing anything?" she asked making some of them nod

"Satomi's body was perfect enough for her power. She's not even supposed to be here because of how strong she is for her age but no one will look out for her because Kangseok was here so GAO agreed for her to be here" he explained that confuse everyone more

"Eh? Are they in a relationship?"

"No, I'm her babysitter" Kangseok while doing some exercise that Suhan told them to do

After a few exercises, they were dismissed for today and left the area immediately, and went to the cafeteria. 

Baekho line up to get their food and Satomi just ran towards the table they usually sit

"Kangseok! I want cake! The chocolate one!" she shouted which everyone ignore because that's what she's been  doing for a month that they've been there

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