Chapter 18

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On a sunny day, it's good to go out with friends and family. Have a bonding time together or spend time, especially that they were busy from school or works

But it's not the case for Jiwoo who's currently being trained by Kayden and Satomi. Jiwoo ask Satomi if she can train him to that lead them here

Satomi will just point out Jiwoo's mistake and how he can control his ability more while Kayden teaches Jiwoo some techniques or just basically teach him to win

"Don't stop. Keep moving and attacking" Kayden said 

Jiwoo was sweating furiously but he ignore it and continue his training. 

"You can only be the best if you're continuously on the offensive" Kayden added when Jiwoo was about to kick the heavy bag and do it one more time before punching the air

"Good. Keep going" Satomi said and cross her legs beside Kayden

"You're lacking in close-quarter combat skills, so you need to continuously polish them through practice" Kayden second while watching Jiwoo

"Oh, they're here?" Satomi whispered at Kayden

"Stop!" Jiwoo look at Kayden who's walking towards the stair along with Satomi, "Those rascals are here"

Jiwoo went up and go to the doors. As he opened it, Jisuk and Subin entered with a smile on their faces followed by Wooin

Jiwoo and Satomi were confused but she just ignore it and sat on the sofa in front of Kayden

Jisuk and Subin sat on the sofa where Kayden is while laughing their ass out. Wooin sat on the floor in between Satomi's legs

"Why are you laughing? Did something happen?"

"Oh, something fun happened indeed" Jisuk laughed once again really confusing Satomi until she receive a message


Send me Jiwoo's address

Satomi tilted her head but send Jiwoo's address otherwise

"The one from Baekho?" Jiwoo asks and looks at Satomi who's playing with Wooin's hair and looking at her phone

"Yep. He told Kangseok that Sucheon brought his father along and tried to take a shot at you, but suffered a humiliating defeat" Subin said while she punched her palm along with a huge smirk on her face

"Jisuk also said that all of the four strongest students except Kangseok fought you before and Satomi was currently teaching you," Subin said while laughing

"Huh?" Satomi perks up and whispered to Wooin, "what did they say?"


"And told him that it was understandable if he was avoiding you because he's scared" Subin taps Jisuk's shoulder repeatedly who has a smug look on his face, "After saying all that, Jisuk didn't even wait for a response and hung up"

Jiwoo stared at the two laughing while Kayden sighed and look at the other two who were whispering to each other. Kayden shakes his head

"Kangseok is calling again," Jisuk announced while looking at his phone

Subin looks at his phone as well with a big smile, "haha, I bet he's pissed. Didn't he keep on calling after you hung up on him yesterday? You didn't pick up any of his calls, right?"

"Yup," Jisuk answered, "oh, it ended"

"Hey, he's calling again. Pick up this time 'kay?" Subin said with a much louder voice that confuse Wooin and Satomi and watch the two idiots

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