Chapter 35

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"I couldn't ignore his challenge. I didn't want to ignore it"

"Oh, another challenge" Jiwoo turned around seeing Satomi still wearing what she wore a while ago but with her blindfold on.

Satomi sat on the sofa beside Kayden and crossed her leg. Jiwoo was surprised to see her in his house after their interaction a while ago

"Yeah," Kayden said looking at the woman beside him, "Julian asked for a fight"

Julian? Satomi didn't know the name, Julian. "Who the fuck is Julian?" Kayden was about to answer but Satomi already said something, "nevermind. I'm sure I'm still the strongest between us"

"Stop lifting a table," Kartein said, clearly pissed at what Kartein said, clearly pissed at what Satomi's saying

Satomi just chuckles and just closes her eyes.

She's really not supposed to stay in Korea. She just escapes from her job in Japan

She may be the daughter of their head but the higher-ups were still demanding her to do some job. They (Gojo's) even thought that the higher-ups were traitors but found out that they just have a different ideology about everything

Kenji can't do anything about it because higher-ups made that mission just for her. Satomi wanted to decline but it will be unfair for everyone in there

Satomi even turns off her phone just to get some rest. Why? Because after she defeated the S-class curse a while ago, they give her another mission. She hasn't reported back yet so she can prepare herself for the tons of missions they prepared for her

Satomi didn't even notice that they left her alone in the basement. They thought that Satomi fell asleep on the couch

Jiwoo and his friends were talking about his incoming fight when someone knocked on the door. Jiwoo thought it was someone from The Union or Shinhwa so when he opened the door, he was surprised to see a white-haired man and a familiar blindfolded one

"Oh, Satomi's friend," Kota said with a smile and walk in seeing another three kids and a bunch of cats, "another Satomi's friend!" he said

"Shut up Kota, go get Satomi" Kenji sat on the sofa and look around the house

Kota just sat beside his twin and smile at the four kids, "long time no see, kids"

"Hello!" everyone bowed, realizing that they are the head of GAO

"Kota, get Satomi" Kenji ordered to his twin who just laugh at him and ignore his order

"How are you, kids? Many things happened, huh?" Kota said with a smile on his face

"Y-yeah" Jisuk said scratching the back of his head

"Kota, I told you to-"

"Brother, Satomi is preparing herself for the missions she's going to have," Kota said tapping his brother even though his hand is not touching his brother

"Uhm..." Jiwoo said, trying to catch Kenji's attention. Kenji glared at Jiwoo who backed away, "h-how'd you know Satomi's here?"

"Satomi's here?" the three said who looked at Jiwoo with wide eyes

"I used my eyes to look for her energy," Kota said while pointing to his blindfolded eyes

"Hold up, Satomi's here?" Jisuk asked Jiwoo who looks at him

"She just ignore us a while ago, didn't she?"

"Because she still has missions to do," Kota move his hand frantically, "don't mind it"

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