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"You..weird, Isya." Lyana furrowed her eyesbrow while there Isya rub her tummy cause' too much laughing.

"I can't even..even..Hahahaha!!" She laughed more louder that people at the event can hear it.

Yes. An event. Since they have their free times, Fadzie planned to bring them to her sister's wedding event. But looks like, they were more happy than Fadzie who is looking bored, like nothing to do on her own sister's event.

"Yah, shut your mouth please." Khay warned her and smiled at the one who heard her crazy laugh that will never stop.

"I-Im sorry." Isya sweeped her fake tears.

"Its not even funny." Lyana clenched her fist and show her so-called-angry face to her.

"Fadzie is also laughing, you know that?" She pointed at Fadzie who is chuckled and be serious when Lyana looked at her.

Seriously?? Its not even funny!! She thought.

"Hey!" She shouted at her and Fadzie just chuckled more.

"Its funny though when you..you have,"

"Hello?" Someone said and the others quickly turned their head to the sound. The one who's going to faint that time was Lyana. Cause' you know what?

Kwon Jiyong is here.

He's arrived here with his another duo member, Taeyang. Yeah, Chanyeol knows that Lyana is inlove with GD too. So, with broken heart, Chanyeol planning to invited him to this event.

"Wow." Isya amazed after that laughing moment and Lyana can't stop punching Khay's shoulder because she's to embrassed for this.

"So, who's the one .. Ermm, im sorry, I didn't remember Chanyeol's wife, so, who's--"

Suddenly, someone put his hand on Lyana's shoulder and dragged her close to him.

"She is."

"... my wife." Chanyeol winks at Lyana and she just looked down because to shy when he does that to her.

"Oh. Nice to meet you." With the charming smile, GD showed his hand to shakehand. She glared at Chanyeol first and then flustered to shake his hand.

He chuckled, "Hi-5!" He showed his palm and Chanyeol just looked at the sunbae and his wife. Without any problems, she make a 'pak' sound by replying his Hi-5.

OMO! He's so cute. I can't even breath.. Okay, okay. Stop drooling Yana. Ouww, shit. Her thought.

"You know I invited them. Let them eat first, okay?" He whispered seductively make Lyana looked at him weirdly. What on the earth is happened with him?

"Darling, whats wrong?"

"Jealous mode." Honest Chanyeol.

"Oh," She chuckled and remember something. "So, guys!" A bang on the table make her friends all glared at her.

"What did I have, huh, Isya?"

"...a daughter." Aizzle quickly said after swallow her cupcake.

Its been two years since the concert's day and yes, how they did it. Getting baby right away after 2 months got married.

"So what?"

"So, Chanyeol can be patient a little heh?" And all laughing except Lyana in widened eyes. She can't believe that her friends can be that pervert eventhought that Chanyeol was here. Her husband.

{COMPLETED} Stop Wishing , Start Doing. [EXO FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now