Chapter 1: I Get Comfortable In Camp

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My life was great, perfect you could say. Perfect, other than the little monster attacks. It was the best life could have ever hoped for, before I knew I was a Half-Blood.

I went to the best school in the city, Academics Prime. It was amazing and I would always get the best-grade-in-the-school award. I mean my grades were always 100 or 99. So no one could say I wasn't smart.

When I learned that I was a Half-Blood, I knew that my dad was a mortal, meaning my mom had to be a god. But who? I had studied Greek mythology and my mom could be Nemesis, Demeter, Athena, or Iris. But based on what those gods stood for, I was pretty much confident that my Mom was Athena. Cause think about it, I got the highest grades in the school and Athena was the goddess of wisdom. So it had to be Athena. My dad already knew I had to go so he let me. But I didn't know where I was going. Until a goddess helped me find my way. I didn't know who it was but the god talked to me, a woman's voice, until I saw a golden fabric with a dragon surrounding the tree it was on. It couldn't be. The Golden Fleece.

I stepped past the tree and headed to a camping site. There were cabins and many teenagers that all wore this orange shirt saying Camp Half-Blood. As soon as a read that, I knew I was where I need to be. I came in and a girl that looked a lot like me came up to me.

"Hi! Considering you came through the barrier, you must be a Half-Blood! I'm Annabeth!" she said

"Hi I'm Ava, Ava Brooks." I said to Annabeth

"Cool! Come with me, I'll show you around Camp," Annabeth told me

After showing me around, as well as her boyfriend Percy, she told me about everything. Like what being claimed is, what activities they have, about their dinner traditions, and everything else.

Time went by really fast and soon it was dinner. Annabeth told me that I would be claimed by the end of the day so I just had to wait. And soon enough, an Owl, the sign of Athena, popped over my head. I was happy about being the daughter of Athena. I am wise and I want to help in battle. Later that night, Annabeth showed me around the Athena cabin. It was everything I liked! The walls were white and it had Owl paintings and figures. On the tables, it had a designing game where you get to design your own city. I made a mental note in mind that I had to try out that game.


I woke up to everyone running and rushing. I got out of bed and caught Annabeth.

"Why is everyone going crazy?" I asked

"Oh I forgot to tell you yesterday, we have cabin checks to make sure the cabin is clean and tidy. Today, Percy is doing the Cabin Checks." she said blushing.

She walked away, tidying her bunk. I cleaned up my space just in time for Percy to come and say, "Nice work guys. I'm giving you a 5 as usual." Annabeth went and gave Percy a quick hug and kiss before he went to check the other cabins.

Later that day, I went to the workbench in our cabin. Athena is also the goddess of arts and crafts so I tried to build to see if I was any good. I built letters out of wood with my bare hands. It spelled Cabin 6. I painted it with Gray paint I found lying around. It was Perfect. I hung it up on the back wall.

"Wow," someone said behind me

I turned around to find Annabeth staring at my project.

"That's amazing!" Annabeth said

"Thanks," I said with a smile

I figured out that while I was working, I couldn't build anything without the right materials. But I could build things without tools.

After, Annabeth offered to take me to the Hephaestus Cabin to work with them. That's when one of the guys came up to me and said, "Are you part of the Hephaestus cabin?"

"Umm no, I'm part of the Athena Cabin." I responded

"Ok good. Also I'm Max." he said

"Good? But umm, I'm Ava." I said

"Cool Ava, so do you want me to... Umm... Show you around?"Max said suspiciously

"Uhhh sure," I said cautiously

Max showed me around, but I couldn't think cause of the smoke every where. Max didn't talk much, it was mostly his cabinmates showing me the benches and material shelves. I felt like I was gonna faint but surprisingly, I didn't. I ran to the exit, happy I could finally breathe in some oxygen.

Annabeth went on and showed me all the cabins. After that, I went to archery and fighting class. Today, I got to pick out my weapon. There were all swords and shields. I tried a few of the swords but they just weren't my style. Then I found a knife. I strapped it to my belt and said, "This knife is my style."

"Are you sure? Fighting with a knife is much harder than fighting with a sword," Annabeth warned

"I like close combat, and plus, none of the swords fit me," I said

"Suit yourself," she said

After I picked my weapon, I started actual fighting class. Annabeth was my teacher because she was the only other camper that fought with a knife.

At dinner, we did our prayers and sacrifices. Then I quickly went to bed because I didn't want to be eaten by the Harpies. Everything was amazing here, we got to fight, and practice things that hero's would do. It was all great until the next morning.

Notes to the reader:
Yay the first chapter is done!

Can y'all guess what's gonna happen?
See ya next time!

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