Chapter 9

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 Five years later,

 I was in the industry working when the secretary my boss appointed to me came to me.

 "Mr. Dolo, you have a call." My secretary said.

 "Okay." I said then turned to the people working on baking.

 "I would be sending my assistant in to supervise you all." I said then stepped out of the baking room.

 I have been promoted by my boss after three years of my working here.

 I have been promoted twice.

 My first promotion was to assist the person who supervise the people baking. After some years, I was made the supervisor when my supervisor resigned.

 I walked to my office after sending my assistant to go into the baking room to supervise.

 "Hello." I said after picking the phone without looking into the phone to know who the caller is.

 "Hello Papa." I could hear Chira voice.

 "Hello Baby girl." I said smiling immediately I heard her voice.

 "How is your day going Papa?" She asked and I answered her happily.

 "It's fine." I answered.

 Chira has grown into a beautiful young girl. She is currently seven years of age. She makes everyone around her happy. Some Children in the neighborhood envy her because of her beauty and intelligence. My Chira is currently in Class Four. She has some mates who are older than her and think they can misbehave to her but Chira does not give them a chance to misbehave to her.

 Some Parent do use Chira as Comparison to their children.

 I can remember when my Chira started schooling at the age of three, we didn't want her to start schooling that year, we wanted her to be Four years before she starts school but she cried and pleaded with us to allow her go to school. We felt that it was what her grandmother wanted for her so we accepted to enroll her in Biyaka school, the school where I worked as a cleaner before.

 The school management didn't want to accept her into the school because of her age but after much thought, they accepted her into the school and she has been doing great in the school as we've never heard any bad report about her.


 We spoke for over twenty minutes on the phone before she handed the phone over to her mother.

 "Chira, I think you should go out and play." I heard Dinna say to my little Chira.

 "Okay Mama." I heard Chira reply her mom.

 Some minutes later, Dinna and I laughed over the phone.

 "Okay see you in some hours time." I said to her.

 "Okay, bye love." Dinna said.

 We started calling each other "Love" after the day Chira returned from school and told us her experience with the parents of one of her mate.

 "Papa, Mama." Chira called that faithful day.

 "Yes Baby." We chorused.

 "What is the meaning of my Love?" Chira asked.

 "Why are you asking?" I asked.

 "Because my friend Nora, her parents were calling themselves my Love." Chira said and I laughed.

 "You are too young to know that." I said.

 "No, Auntie Mia said that it is meant for husband and wife." Chira said and I nodded my head.

 Dinna stood smiling at what Chira was saying.

 "Okay." I said nodding my head to Chira.

 Chira smiled and pulled me close to Dinna. She held our hands.

 "I want both of you to start calling yourselves my love." Chira said to us and we both smiled.

 "I'm serious." Chira said and we looked at her straight face.

 "Okay baby." Dinna said and I nodded my head.

 We started calling each other Love from that day and that made our love for each other strong.


 I put off the phone smiling as I remembered that day, it has been over Two years that it happened but I do laugh anytime I remember it.

 I stood up, put my things in order then went out of my office and then locked it and went to the baking place. I could see my assistant doing a very good job.

 I went in and smiled at every one who was working. I could see that my assistant was already becoming tired so I whispered into his ears.

 "You can go have some rest." I said whispering into his ears and he nodded his head before going out.

 We worked for hours before leaving for our houses.

                  Dinna POV

 I watched Chira as she was playing with some Army toys my brother bought for her. I was watching as she made them fight each other. It was fun watching her do that as she still showed her warrior habit although she doesn't make her war noise anymore.

 Chira didn't go to school today as her school as they were given two weeks break. This is the first week break, I really like her being around me because she helps me do so many things at home.

 Some minutes later, the door bell rings and Chira gets up leaving her toy on the ground. She goes to open the door.

 "Papa." I could hear her say and I turn back to see my husband.

 I smiled as I looked at my husband who was hugging Chira.

 My husband dropped Chira on the ground and walked towards me and hugged me.

 "My Love." Dolo said pulling me into a hug.

 Chira started smiling as she used her hand to cover her face.

 When Dolo and I separated from the hug, Chira ran to our middle.

 "Papa, Mama, I have something for both of you." Chira said and we looked at ourselves.

 Dolo looked at Chira and nodded his head to her.

 "You can go ahead." Dolo said to her.

 Chira looked at us and smiled then nodded her head.

 "Okay. I will be back soon, just wait here." Chira said.

 Chira ran into the second room which is now her room.

 Some minutes later, Chira came out with a box in her hand.

 "Here." She said giving us the box and we took it.

 We looked into the box and what we saw amazed us.

 We saw Chira's drawing. She drew Dolo and I perfectly.

 Dolo looked up to Chira.

 "Who drew this?" He asked as I looked at Chira.

 Chira pointed to herself.

 "I drew it." She said and I was so amazed by the way she drew us.

" Wow...., My Chira." I said stretching out my arm to her for an embrace.

 She ran into my arms and embraced me.

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