2. Growing up means growing apart

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7 moons ago... (7 moons old)

The fiery leaves crunched under Ghostpaw's pads. The dewy forest floor squished and squelched with every step.
Ghostpaw's mentor, Spottedfrost, led her towards the RiverClan side of ThunderClan's border.
Ghostpaw paid more attention to the plants.
Borage, blackberries, beech leaves. Her mother had told her all about plants and how they could be used for healing.
"Ghostpaw, welcome to the sunningrocks." Her tortoiseshell mentor crawled onto the sunningrocks.
The sun shining on the river made the water sparkle. The orange and red leaves gave contrast to the river and the blue sky. It was very beautiful.
"I thought we could play a little game. If you catch two prey before sunhigh, we can relax on the sunningrocks for the rest of the day. How does that sound?" Spottedfrost suggested.
Ghostpaw would have much preferred to continue training the rest of the day. But, her mentor wanted to give her a challenge. So she accepted.

Ghostpaw left Spottedfrost at the sunningrocks, agreeing to meet her back there when she caught her prey. This game was a great idea, it gave Ghostpaw motivation which boosted her chances of success by a lot.
There was only one problem with this challenge. She'd never caught any prey since she became an apprentice a moon ago. Ghostpaw didn't let that break her spirit.
Ghostpaw tasted the air. A rabbit. She moved swiftly and silently towards the delicious smell.
She remained downwind of the rabbit, not wanting it to smell her. She krept forwards slowly. She stayed low and hidden behind the trees. Finally, she spotted the rabbit beyond some auburn leaves. She kept her eyes locked with the rabbit's throat, planning to sink her teeth into it.


She'd been so focused on the rabbit that she completely forgot the leaves she was supposed to avoid. The crunch echoed through the quiet forest like a lightning bolt. The rabbit snapped its head up, then disappeared in a flash.
Ghostpaw sighed.


"We'll try again tomorrow. I'm sure you'll catch something then." Spottedfrost purred as they re-emerged into camp. Spottedfrost had caught some fish from the river so they didn't come back with absolutely nothing.
This whole thing was getting old. Everyday Ghostpaw would try to catch prey or fight, and everytime she failed. She was very focused on her duties, but she was never athletic at all. Being a warrior required Ghostpaw to run and climb and swim, but she had trouble doing all of those. Despite her struggles, she spent most of her free time training. She knew she would eventually get better with practice. Spottedfrost's encouragement really helped.
Ghostpaw nodded in agreement with Spottedfrost.
Spottedfrost left Ghostpaw alone to leave the fish in the fresh-kill pile.

Darkcloud rushed past her, almost knocking her down. He looked distressed, like he'd just woken up from a bad dream. He was panting and shaken up.
"Sorry." he muttered a quick apology before continuing on his path to the leader's den.
Ghostpaw huffed and made her way into the apprentices' den, seeing as there was nothing else to do.
She forced herself to laps around the den. She knew doing this every day would make her strong, would make her better. She needed to be a success...
Mrrp. A trill emitted from behind Ghostpaw, making her stop in her tracks and look to the entrance of the den.
"Hey, Cloverpaw." She greeted.
Cloverpaw nodded in acknowledgement.
"Where are the other apprentices?" Ghostpaw asked.
"They're making a plan. I'm pretty sure they're talking about sneaking out for a late night hunting trip alone." Cloverpaw responded quietly.
Ghostpaw and Cloverpaw had been friends for quite some time now. Luckily, the brown tabby was getting better at having conversations.

"Again? That's the third time this moon they've been sneaking out." Ghostpaw flicked her tail.
"Should we tell Proudstar?"
"...No. If they want to sneak out, that isn't our business. If they get caught, they get caught."
"I just don't understand why they keep leaving. Don't they know it could ruin their chances of becoming a warrior?"
Ghostpaw thought about the question.
Why were they sneaking out?
Emberpaw, Beetlepaw and Wasppaw were all definitely cut out to be warriors. They were all athletic, they all had the spirit, they all had the talent. Why would they gamble their chances of being warriors?
Simple. They were indulging on adrenaline.
Adrenaline was powerful, sometimes healthy even. But, it was addicting. Once you start, it's hard to stop.

Abruptly, the other three apprentices trotted into the den.
Wasppaw brushed his tail over Cloverpaw's face playfully, meanwhile Emberpaw and Beetlepaw were attached by the hip.
"Sorry guys, we're heading out. Will you cover for us?" Beetlepaw asked, momentarily taking her attention away from Emberpaw.
Ghostpaw sighed.
"Yeah sure, just try not to get your tail bitten off." Ghostpaw shifted her gaze to Emberpaw's stumpy tail. It had now completely regrown all the lost fur, and now looked similar to their mother's tail.
Beetlepaw hissed, Ghostpaw jumped in surprise.
"Don't talk to your brother like that! He was so brave to fight that fox, you should apologise." She snapped.
Hostility. That was something Ghostpaw didn't expect from the usually bubbly and excited she-cat. Ghostpaw looked at Emberpaw, something she'd been avoiding.
He looked a little uncomfortable, clearly not wanting to be around his sister.
"It's fine, Beetlepaw. She was just joking. Come on, let's go." Emberpaw locked his eyes onto Beetlepaw, as if he was purposely trying to avoid eye contact with Ghostpaw.
Beetlepaw grunted and passed Ghostpaw, heading towards the secret exit of the camp that the three of them had dug behind the apprentices' den. Wasppaw bid goodbye to Cloverpaw, then followed Beetlepaw into the hole. Emberpaw lingered behind.
Keeping his gaze firm on the ground, he asked "Would you like to come with us, Ghostpaw?"
He'd invited her to most of the hunting trips him and his friends went on, each time getting less enthusiastic. She'd declined each time.
She didn't want to break the warrior code. She needed to be a success. Besides, she would feel so out of place with his friends.
"No thanks, I'm busy. You should just stop asking." she replied coldly.
Emberpaw gave a defeated sigh, one that Ghostpaw had never heard before. He sounded truly defeated, presumably taking her suggestion to never ask again.
"Okay." he responded, before exiting camp through the secret exit.

Cloverpaw and Ghostpaw were alone once again.
Smokestorm's familiar scent neared the den. The two apprentices discreetly stood in front of the secret exit.
The smokey pelted deputy pushed through the entrance, her orange eyes resting on Ghostpaw.
"Where are the other three? I heard someone hiss." she stated, snuffing out the den.
As calmly as possible, Ghostpaw conjured up a white lie.
"They wanted to eat their prey somewhere by themselves. They didn't tell us where but they're hiding around the camp somewhere. Those three love to be in private." she said smoothly.
Cloverpaw nodded stiffly.
"Again? That's the third time this moon." Smokestorm sighed.
"They didn't invite you two?"
Cloverpaw looked to Ghostpaw to answer.
"...It's complicated."
Smokestorm gave her a deadpanned look.
"I was adopted. Dawnfern, my adopted mother, has had kits that were born 23 moons after me. Quailwhisker, my brother's mate, has also had two kits. So now my new siblings and my nephews are the same age. How's that for complicated?" Smokestorm scoffed.
"That does sound complicated. I don't really want to talk about my situation though."
The deputy looked like she wanted to push further, but stopped herself. She nodded, leaving the den with a confident stride.
Ghostpaw missed the days when they were kits. When they both played around with each other and enjoyed each other's company. Now, they were both doing their own thing. They were growing up.
"You seem sad. It's about Emberpaw isn't it?" Cloverpaw pointed out.
Ghostpaw laid down.
"Sort of. We're both just growing up. And growing up means growing apart. That's just how life works. I have responsibilities and training to do, if he wants to hang out with his friends that's fine. I'm fine."

Darkcloud snuck into the den, his black pelt descising him.
"Ghostpaw, may I speak with you?" he asked.
Ghostpaw looked to Cloverpaw, who nodded back to her. As if she was silently reassuring her that she'd find something to do.
Ghostpaw nodded and followed Darkcloud out of the apprentices' den, and into the medicine den.
Her dark pelted uncle laid down in a relaxed position, Ghostpaw did the same next to him. They both faced the exit of the den and rested in comfortable silence. Darkcloud was the first to break it.
"I had a vision earlier." he stated plainly.
Ghostpaw knew she wasn't allowed to know of the visions medicine cat's received, so she stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.
"I have foreseen my death. And it's coming soon."
Ghostpaw snapped her head towards the medicine cat.
"But, aren't you still really young?"
"I am. I cannot disclose the exact events to you, but I know what I need to do...I need an apprentice. When I requested one, Proudstar said that you were perfect. Apparently, your training has not been going so well and because of your mother's medical experience, you already know a thing or two about herbs. But, of course, I wanted to ask you first before we make it official. Ghostpaw, will you be my apprentice?"
Ghostpaw was frozen in time.
She'd never thought of becoming a medicine cat apprentice. Darkcloud was too young to need one before she became a warrior. But this would be perfect. It required little to no athletic training and she could learn to become a great medicine cat.
Of course, there would need to be a ceremony for her. She would probably have to train for a few more moons than the other apprentices, but this job suited her.
"I will."

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