The City (Chapter 6)

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Today is the day Sarah and I are leaving to New York. I've been waiting for this day for a long time and now it's finally here, but I still can't find the strength to get out of bed.

"Alison it's time to get up!"

"Ugh yeah I know."

"What's wrong? I thought you were happy to leave?"

"I am, it's just I'm really tired that's all"

"Well I'll make some coffee, but you on the other hand need to get your lazy arse out of bed so we can get the heck outta here and most importantly don't miss our flight."

"Ehh ok."

I slowly got out of bed and walked to my bathroom, closed the door, turn on the water, stripped off my clothes and jumped in the shower. The hot water felt good against my cold skin. A shower is exactly what I needed to wake me up. I shampooed my hair and conditioned it then I got out of the shower and started to blow dry my hair for ten minutes then I started to put mascara on my eye lashes. Once I was done with my makeup I walked out of the bathroom and into my closet. I picked out some high waisted with studs on the pockets and a crop top with a British flag on it. I gathered my hair and put it into a messy bun. I sprayed Ed Hardy perfume on to my wrist and neck then I grabbed my suit case and started going down stairs. As I took my last step the smell on mocha filled my nose. A smile spread across my face as I walked into the kitchen. Sarah must of went to a nearby coffee shop because on the counter was a Wild berry smoothie with whip cream and sprinkles. Mmmm my favorite. I grabbed the smoothie and walked out on to my deck. Sarah was sitting on a patio chair sipping on a cup of coffee. Sarah jumped when I said.

"Hey are you ready to go?"

"Uhh yeah our driver is waiting for us at the front of the house."

Sarah and I walked around the side of my house to the front yard. The driver took our bags and set them in the trunk. Then walked to right side door and helped us in, he walked around the car, got in to the driver seat, and started the car. Sarah and I talked about the events that will take place when we are in New York while the car drove to the airport.

*20 minutes later*

When we got to the airport Sarah had to go through the metal detectors a quite a few times because she had tons of jewelry on. Walking in the airplane was a drag. We couldn't find our seats and there was a crying baby in the class next to us but thankfully we had seats in coach. We settled into our seats as the plane took off. Sarah fell asleep right away and I listened to music for two hours which was quite relaxing. I heard a screeching sound as the captain of the plane came on the intercom and said.

"I hope you all enjoyed your flight. We will be landing in 5 minutes. Stay seated until we land and fasten your seat belts."

I turned and faced Sarah. I started to shake her as I said.

"Sarah wake up! We will be landing soon!"

Sarah shot up with her eyes wide open and looking around crazily.

"Holy crap you scared me! Man I was in the middle of a good dream!"

"Oh really? What were you dreaming about? Haha sorry but we are about to land."

"I'll tell you some other time. AHH really? I'm so excited!"

"No I'm lying to you"

"Oh dang it. Then why did you wake me up?"

"Sarah you obviously didn't hear the sarcasm in my voice. And yes we are landing!"

"Oh haha. You should know by now I don't understand Sarcasm."

The plane slowly started coming to a stop as we landed. I unfastened my seat belt and started to stretch. We grabbed our bags and got off the plane. There was a man with a sign that had our names on it. We walked over to the man as he asked us.

"Are you two young ladies Sarah and Alison?"

"Yes we are. Hello I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you."

"And I'm Alison. It's nice to meet you."

"Well pleasure to meet the both of you I'm Dave your driver and I will be taking you to your hotel."

*At the Hotel*

Sarah and I watched a movie when we got to the hotel. About 20 minutes into the movie Sarah fell asleep. I watched the whole movie and to be honest it was quite boring. I couldn't fall asleep so I watched cars pass by and lights flicker. The city is so amazing how everything is always moving it's just unbelievable. The country is nice too with its beautiful views, but the city is where I belong. It's where dreams come true and are broken. I am determined to make my dreams come true. I'm not trying to sound cocky or anything. That's the last thing I want to be. New York City could eat you whole and spit you out if you aren't ready for the possibilities. The city never sleeps and neither can I at the moment. All this thinking about the city made have to go to the bathroom. When I got out I tip toed to my bed and jumped under the covers. I got comfortable under the covers as they wrapped me in its warm embrace. My eyes got heavy and my thought slipped away as I fell asleep.

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