puff puff humbert dating headcanons

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pairings: puff puff humbert x reader

genre: headcanons, slight angst at the beginning, fluff

warnings: typical puff behavior 😒😒

request: n/a

requested by: n/a

a/n: i love puff sm and yes im ashamed /hj

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚:*✧・゚:*✧・゚:*✧・゚:

i'm not gonna lie, he's pretty shallow so he probably initially fell for you because of your looks but after hanging around you more he definitely grew to love your personality as well.

after he realized his feelings for you were actually romantic he felt weird and tried to avoid you to get the feelings to go away. he doesn't like the idea of commitment but the whole time he's pushing away from you he feels a dull ache in his chest and can't help but think about how much he misses you :(

i think the moment he comes back to you is when you get genuinely hurt and ask him what you did wrong. he would instantly apologize and reassure you that you did nothing wrong. when you inquire about what it was that made him push you away he'd be reluctant to tell you but would give in and admit his feelings for you.

after you start officially dating, he becomes super clingy. he loves physical contact and especially likes to hug you or do that thing where he wraps his arm around your back and places his hand on your hip <3

he can actually be really genuine and sweet in the relationship. unlike his feelings for tig, he actually really likes you and will do embarrassingly silly things to impress you. do NOT ask him to do the squirrel song. he will pout in the corner until you apologize with tears !!! /hj

has definitely written a song for you. it's incredibly cheesy and terrible and his bandmates hate it but he loves it and constantly sings it to you. he's a fucking SAP for you. you have no choice but to love his song because once he's done he looks at you with the most lovestruck expression while asking if you liked it.

his bandmates get so annoyed with him. every time he comes back to the bus after going on a date with you he does this dreamy sigh with a stupid smile on his face before collapsing in his bunk and rambling about how much he loves you. axel has to threaten to beat him up before he shuts up (benatar lowkey thinks it's cute-)

he's inexperienced when it comes to having an ACTUAL relationship that's not based on boob size so he often goes to deejay for advice since he's his best friend. deejay is actually pretty helpful when it comes to dating advice but sometimes puff asks him really stupid stuff and he has to resist the urge to bitch slap him. deejay has also made it clear to puff that if he fucks up his relationship with you then he'll fold him into a meat pretzel <3 bestie goals

dates aren't anything TOO extravagant. he doesn't have the money to take you to fancy restaurants and quite frankly i don't even think he'd survive in a nice restaurant </3 he likes to go to local restaurants and bars with you, though !! he's not the most romantic but he'll hold your hand over the table and listen to you talk about your day with little hearts in his eyes. sometimes your dates are just the two of you laying in his bunk and sharing earbuds as you watch cartoons on your phone <3 also definitely the type to take you on random dates in the middle of the night. he'll text you to meet him at a nearby gas station so you can sit outside and drink slurpees while giggling like little children <3

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