3 - Pretty U

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After School

"Halmeoni!" Sunoo beams at halmeoni when we come back home. 

Halmeoni rushes over to him, hugging him tightly. I wonder how that feels like. To be hugged by someone who loves you... or... just to be hugged in general.

I don't remember the last time when I was met with that type of physical touch.

"Oh how was my Sunoo's first day at his new school?" She questions babying Sunoo as she strokes his hair.

I put my hand up trying to have her acknowledge my presence, "I also just came back from school."

"Sora, I'm trying to have a conversation with Sunoo," she sends me a quick "can you leave" look before she starts cooing over Sunoo again.

I awkwardly drop my hand remembering that my presence isn't of importance to my sole guardian. Right, how can I forget that?

I guess after the day of actually... possibly... maybe... making two new friends, I felt a slight hope that my life is turning around. The slightest, because two new people can't change the past 8 years of my life, but it brought me comfort.

For the first time, I didn't feel alone. 

Seeun and Eunwoo talked to me. Like actually conversated with me. They listened to what I had to say and didn't cringe at me or called me weird.

I do have to say they did call me a loser, but not in the way other people always did (mainly because they're losers too). 

And as for Jungwon...

He's a playboy. He's "been around" is what Eunwoo likes to say, and I want to believe it... I have to.

I don't even know him, and most importantly, he doesn't know me. My existence is in the back of his mind for crying out loud.

After changing out of our uniform and freshening up, we head over to our neighbor's apartment, unit 315, for dinner. 

"Jinwon-ah they're here!!" We hear, most likely, Auntie yell from the other side of the door.

The door swings open showing Auntie smiling radiantly at us, "Come in!!"

Halmeoni and Sunoo walk ahead of me giving Auntie a bow before taking off their shoes. When it was my turn, Auntie pulls me into an unexpected hug (so unexpected I didn't know how to act).

My eyes widen as my hands stay stuck to my sides. Is this really happening?

"I'm so happy you're here!" She squeezes. She pulls away, "You look stunning! Make yourself at home!"

I slowly walk in rubbing my arms. The strength on that woman is impeccable, but... it felt nice.

Suddenly a man approaches, "Welcome welcome! Mi casa es tu casa!"

Auntie playfully hits him, "This is my husband, and as you can tell he's practicing his spanish."

"Call me Uncle," Uncle smiles at us. "Now sit sit!"

We all sit at their table leaving two empty chairs. One across from me and the other next to Sunoo (who's sitting next to me).

On the table is an amazing spread of traditional Korean dishes. I'm left in awe, and a little drool, seeing all these dishes. From kimchi tofu stew, to fried fish, to dumplings, and to galbi. Is this an everyday dinner for them?

"We wanted to treat you guys to welcome you guys to Seoul!" Auntie explains reading my mind.

"I'm home!!" We all suddenly hear a young girl's voice.

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