5: Pandemic Problems

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       So, yeah another year passes and now for literally the worst year of everyone’s lives, 2020. For starters, I had been hearing about this whole Covid-19 thing for like the past three months and I didn’t think it would get as bad as it did. But then again, just because I think something’s not bad it gets extremely bad. It's now March and everything is now shut down. 
Most jobs in the US including mine? Closed down until who knows when.
If you have a job in a foreign country? You're either stuck in that country or forced back here.
And if you need to do literally anything outside of your house? Not gonna happen because this stupid virus shut down everything!
    Phew! I really lost my train of thought there. But yeah, my point still stands, this virus caused the world to stop and this absolutely sucks! Now, my parents are on the older side and I ended up having to go quarantine with my parents. This was a big problem. I've been hearing that COVID affects older people easier than someone who's my age or younger. I didn't want to come home to my parents only to find out that I have a virus that could affect them worse than it could affect me. I didn't want that! So, I had to ask around to see if anyone would let me live in their home.
    Every single one of my friends rejected the thought of me living in their house. I understand why though. I mean, a deadly virus is going around and my friends didn't know who had this virus and who didn't. I spent quite some time hoping that someone would let me live with them. Luckily enough, somebody did in fact welcome me into their home. That someone was Austin and his roommate Steven. Austin said that he would be happy to let me live with him until the epidemic eased up. I was so happy to hear this. I asked Austin a couple more questions before I left to quarantine with Austin and Steven. And needless to say, it was extremely awkward. But I couldn't really complain because Austin was nice enough to take me in out of nowhere.

(A/N: Again, another very short chapter lol. I was slowly getting less and less motivated when I originally wrote it because I wrote most of this fanfiction in a full day and I write my chapters at least a month up to like a week or two in advance so yeah... There's that. See y'all in the next chapter 😀)

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