10: Stressin' About Confessin'

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We're almost there y'all! It was the morning after the fourth of July. I have to admit, I really didn't want to talk to Austin at all that day. It was July 5th and I got no sleep the night before because the boys and I decided to set off fireworks in the backyard so you should understand where I'm coming from. Like, for real, who would want to talk to anybody if they had no sleep, let alone be sleepless and confess that you had a crush on someone? Not me, that's for damn sure!
But, I didn't see a point in me backing out. I knew Austin has feelings for me but he doesn't know if I feel the same way about him or not. I couldn't leave Austin hanging, waiting to see whether or not I love him, regardless of how little sleep I have had. This could be the only chance either of us have, and I guess I'll be the one to make it last. Or at least that's what I thought because holy crap is confessing to your crush stressful!
I layed on the couch, trying to get at least a teeny bit of sleep. And you probably guessed it, that didn't work because all I was thinking about was what could happen if I was the first to confess. I just decided to call Katie. I hadn't talked to Katie much since the start of the pandemic. Which, to be fair, we both were just trying to make sure that everyone was okay but she was my first ever best friend. I felt so freaking guilty for not making time to talk with her! But, I made it my goal to eventually make it up to her and today's the day I guess.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on Katie's number. And I was left to wait for two minutes. Finally Katie picked up. "Well if it isn't my platonic wifey, Amberly. What have you been up to?" She said jokingly.

"Not much. I just wanted to catch up with my girl." I said.

"You had to be up to something. We haven't talked in months, maybe even a year! I was actually starting to worry about you." Katie said.

"Aww! I'm sorry! Did I worry you?" I said in a voice that's kinda like a mom talking to a little kid. You know what I mean?

"Shut up." Katie giggled. "But, for real though, what have you been up to? I wanna know the tea!" she continued.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you. But buckle up, these last four months have been quite crazy." I said. I told Katie the whole sha-bang, not sparing her of any details. Then I remembered that I forgot to tell her about my quarantine situation. "Oh yeah I forgot, I moved in with this dude named Austin and his roomate Steven."

"They let you move in with them?" Katie asked. "That's so nice of them!"

"It really was." I said. "They didn't have to let me into their home but they did and I honestly appreciate them for it every single day." I said.

"Aww." Katie says.

"But, something really weird happened about a month after I got here." I said.

"Uh oh." Katie says.

"Don't worry, it's a good kind of weird." I said, trying to reassure my bestie.

"Phew!" Katie says.

I laughed at Katie's slight naivety. "But, yeah. I kinda developed a crush on Austin."

"You WHAT?!" Katie exclaimed excitedly. "Oh my god bestie! Have you told him how you feel yet?"

"Nope, not yet." I said.

"Seriously? Girl, girl, girl, GIRL! You gotta tell him how you feel!" Katie says.

"I knoooow!" I said. "The thing is I can't put my thoughts into words. I don't know what to do."

"Just go with your heart!" Katie says.

"But, what if I say something cheesy? No man likes a woman that has a cheesy sense of humor." I said.

"Girl, if Austin really likes you, he won't care how you confess to him. Hell, even if he doesn't like you back, he still wouldn't care because you put in the effort to get your feelings out there and I don't know how Austin thinks but I know that if I were him I would appreciate that you at least tried." Katie says.

"You think so?" I asked.

"I know so." Katie said.

"You are literally the best." I said.

"Thanks queen. Now, go take a nap. Then steal that little country boy's heart!" Katie says.

"Alright, bye girly! Hopefully our next conversation will happen sooner than this one." I said.

"I hope so too. But until then, peace out mi amiga!" Katie says.

"Peace!" I said and I hung up the phone.

I pull the blanket over my head and try my best to get a bit of sleep. I sit and think about how awesome of a best friend Katie is. She's been there for me no matter what and I've always been there for her. It's almost like we're sisters! Katie was always so kind and supportive of me no matter what I did. I'm so lucky to have her in my life. And with all of those happy thoughts in mind, I drifted off to dreamland.

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