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Summary: Dylan finally got his number.

Third Person

He did it.

He finally got it.

It took over two months, but he did it.

Dylan Lenivy got Ryan Erzahler's number.

But.. something's wrong.

He should be crying from happiness.

He should be jumping with Joy.

But he doesn't feel anything remotely positive.

Instead.. he feels anxious.



He doesn't know why, though.

Ryan is clearly interested in him, so what's the big issue?

He can do it.

He can do it..

He can do it..?

He can..?


He can.

His fingers press the keypad as he stares intensely at the piece of paper.


That's one number.


The second one.

As he continued typing in the numbers, he kept thinking about everything that could go wrong.

He could stutter uncontrollably.

He could freeze up, and not say anything.

Or maybe.. Ryan won't answer.

His mind was getting more filled with doubt by the second, yet he continues to type the number.

Beep.. beep.. beep..

Almost done..

Beep.. beep.

That's it.

The final number was pressed, and the dial button was pushed.

All he has to do is wait.


The first ring. No answer.

That's fine.. he'll answer after the next ring.


Second ring.

Second time he didn't answer..


The third ring..

He isn't going to answer.

He won't.

He won't.



His eyes widen, and he quickly puts the phone up to his ear.


"Dylan, is that you?"

Lenivy can hear genuine excitement in the other's voice, which makes his heart flutter.

"Y-Yes.. it is.."

The brunette starts to slowly calm down, getting his breathing in check.

"I missed you so much!" The lightskin happily exclaims.

As the lightskin male starts to speak, the brunette feels more and more calm.

But his mind was very cloudy.

Oddly enough..

It was for a good reason.

He answered..

He actually answered.

The brunette is speaking to him because the other wanted to..

Not because they were stuck in the same cabin, or they were always around each other..

He had a choice, and he chose to speak to him.

That was enough to make the brunette cry..

It was enough to make him cry in happiness..

It was enough to make him want to jump in joy.

He felt happy..

But it was so stupid all at the same time..

Because at the end of the day..

It's just a phone number.


I need to start writing some happy oneshots 😅


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