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Pairing: Cuszahler (Jacob/Ryan)


Summary: Jacob is asked to describe Ryan.

"Can you please describe Ryan for me?"

Ryan? Oh, that's easy.

I didn't like him at first until Kaitlyn started ranting to me about him every single fucking night. Over time, I slowly started to see what she likes about him.

I mean, I would date him if he was a girl, y'know?

Anyways, Ryan is very.. annoying at times.

He gets on my nerves a lot.

But at the same time, I get on his nerves.

So, we're pretty much even on that aspect.

It doesn't matter, though. Does it?

Forget it.

Okay, okay.. Ryan. Ryan Erzahler.

He's.. alright. His hair is nice.

Maybe if it was longer, like a girl's.

Well, I guess it doesn't have to be longer.

Yeah, yeah. His hair would look good if it was on a girl.

That's why I'd date him.. if he was a girl, of course.

But, it's kinda weird, y'know?

Kaitlyn has a crush on him, and so does Dylan. At least I think so.

He can't be that likable, right?

He isn't that special, is he?

Ugh, it's so.. confusing.

I mean, why do I even care, y'know?

It's not like he's the hottest person here, right?

Pfft, maybe if he was a girl.

I guess that's why I date him. If he was a girl!

Okay, stopping with the dating talk..

So, Ryan likes to.. be alone.

Which is weird, because he seems so comfortable with teaching kids.

He even smiles around them.

He has a nice smile.

That doesn't matter, though.

It's just.. man, I dunno.

I dunno how I feel about him.

He's kind of.. nice. Yeah, he's nice.

I like him.

Kinda. Sorta. Maybe. I dunno.

Ugh, what the fuck?!

Why am I so indecisive right now?!

Do I like him or do I hate him?!

Oh, for fuck sake.

Listen, listen. I'll list pros and cons.

Starting with the cons, because they'll be easier to list off.

He's.. short. Yeah, short.

He doesn't know how to stand upright. He falls a lot.

It's actually pretty funny.


Okay, okay.. cons.

He's.. good at sailing.

Pfft, who even needs sailing at a summer camp?!

Anyways, one more con, even though I could list.. plenty. Pfft, yeah. Definitely plenty.

Too many people have crushes on him.

See, a con! There! I said the cons.

Now, the pros.

He's very intelligent, really loyal, appreciates anything and everything, his style is really cool.

It would look better on a girl, though.

At least.. that's what I think.


Anyways, he cares about his little sister. Gotta love a good big bro, amirite?

Well.. now that I think about it.

I think I listed a lot of pros..

That doesn't matter, though. Does it?

I mean, I'd date him, y'know..?



"I wanted physical attributes. I didn't want to hear you go on and on about what you like about Ryan."

Hey! I don't like him! He's a guy!

"You're in denial! Ugh, fuck it. I'm asking Dylan. Oh, by the way, I'm positive that you don't care that Ryan is a guy."

Yes, I do!

I only date girls!

But.. maybe he can be an exception..


Hola, amigos :)

So, imma be fr, I've actually enjoyed this ship ever since I found out about it. Idk why, but it'd be cute.

Rylan solos, tho.

Also, how do we feel about this ship?

8.3/10 imo

Btw, the Rylan fic is in progress. I just wanted to post something short for you all :)

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this!

Make sure to Live Laugh and love Justice Smith 🤭

Bye, everyone!



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