Candy [M] (Part Two)

945 11 49

Pairing: Rylan (Ryan/Dylan)

Summary: Dylan likes sweet things


Ryan's eyes widen, feeling his heart flutter at the contact with the brunette male. He felt sparks flying through his body. He could feel his heartbeat racing as he pressed against Dylan closer, his eyes fluttering close in anticipation. He slowly climbs onto Dylan, gently running his fingers through his hair. Dylan pulls back slightly as the kiss deepened slightly, making Ryan whine lightly. The younger male whines louder when Dylan bites on his bottom lip, pulling away once more, smirking at the smaller male.

Dylan chuckles softly, cupping Ryan's face.

"God, you're so.. fuck." Dylan mumbles, nuzzling their noses together. All of a sudden, Ryan pulls back quickly, standing up. Dylan frowns.

"Ryan? Where are you going? I'm sorry! I-I don't know what came over m—"

"Shut up." Ryan demands as he turns around, walking up to the door.

Dylan goes silent, and he can feel himself slightly tearing up.

Then, he hears a click.

And then he feels the younger male jumping onto him. Ryan snickers, kissing Dylan gently.

"I was locking the door, dum-dum." Ryan clarifies, playfully rolling his eyes. Dylan blushes in embarrassment.
"Oh.." Dylan replies, his voice trailing off. Ryan kisses Dylan again, letting his tongue slip inside of the older male's mouth.

They pull away, giggling like little kids.

"I never realized what I've been missing out on.." Dylan mumbles as he slowly moves his head down, gently nuzzling his nose against the lightskin's neck. Ryan shivers slightly, exhaling shakily. Dylan's lips slowly extend, hitting Ryan's skin gently. The smaller male whimpers softly, pressing himself closer into the brunette boy. Dylan gasps as he feels a sharp sting.

"Ryan.. y-your nails.." Dylan whimpers as he felt the other's nails digging into his forearms. He winces slightly in pain, whimpering softly.
"I'm sorry.. natural reflex.." Ryan apologizes, removing his hands from Dylan's forearms.
"It's okay.. I didn't know that you were enjoying it this much.." Dylan snickers as his lips gently press against Ryan's neck again, gently sucking on a small spot. Ryan groans loudly as he tilts his head slightly to give Dylan better access to his neck. Dylan moans slightly as he continues the kisses, licking and biting at the skin lightly.

"D-Dylan, maybe we should stop. Dinner's about to end, and—"

The taller male whines.

"Not yet.."

"..but what if Jacob or Nick try to tell Chris that we locked the door?" Ryan mumbles, whimpering quietly as he feels Dylan's teeth graze his skin.

"They'll probably just go into the girl's cabin. It's fine.." Dylan reassures him, suckling on his neck  again. Ryan grunts loudly in response.
"F-For someone who— ah! ..for someone who hated me, you— ngh! ..y-you really love my neck.." He tries to laugh, but staggered moans come out instead.
"It's so soft.." Dylan mumbles in between nibbles. Ryan's hips begin to buck upwards, his arms wrapping themselves around Dylan. Dylan stops sucking on Ryan's skin, instead moving back to nibble at his jawline.

"Dylan, we can't do this now.." Ryan whines, tugging on his hair slightly.

"Why not..?" Dylan questions, continuing to move his lips to Ryan's neck again. Ryan shudders at the bizzare yet pleasurable sensation. Dylan lets out another whine as he sucks on his co-worker's neck harder.

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