chapter three: nighttime blues

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±warnings: references to war & death, panic attack*please do not read if you will find these topics troubling — take care of yourself!±

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warnings: references to war & death, panic attack
*please do not read if you will find these topics troubling — take care of yourself!

Fire. Smoke. Gunfire.

Wanda lay on the rubble that scattered the ground beneath her, refusing to look at the body of her brother that stayed unconscious beside her.

"Wanda?" she heard. Though, she refused to open her eyes to find the source. She continued to clench them shut, repeatedly shaking her head from side to side. The girl was afraid that if she did open them, her twin's lifeless eyes would somehow be staring back at her. "Wanda, wake up!"

Her eyes shot open. She gasped deeply as if this had been her first breath after she had not breathed in years. After the initial shock, her breathing persisted at a fast pace. She brought her hand to her face, feeling the wetness that drenched it from the tears. She quickly wiped them, trying to destroy the evidence of what had just occurred. Suddenly, Wanda strained herself in an attempt to gauge her surroundings. Upon looking to her left, she was able to make out the worrisome gaze on Natasha despite the dark.

No, no, no, she internally reprimanded herself. This is exactly what I didn't want.

She clamped her eyes shut again as her bottom lip began to tremble. Immediately, her breathing started to get quicker. This made Natasha become even more worried.

"Wanda?" Natasha began, hesitantly. "Wanda, you are okay. You are here. You are with me, Natasha."

However, if she could hear her voice, she was showing no signs of it. It seemed as if Wanda was not comprehending any of what she was saying. She was noticeably spiraling, so Natasha sprang into action.

"I'm going to come closer, Wanda... Okay?"


Normally, Natasha would never cross such a boundary without expressive permission from the individual; however, it was clear that Wanda was in a state of distress that would not end anytime soon without intervention. If she had allowed it to continue, it would have probably escalated to a dangerous point; thus, she slowly stepped forward and effortlessly climbed into the other girl's bed. She wrapped her arms around the brunette, laying them down in the small bed. Natasha positioned Wanda's head into her neck and squeezed her arms around her torso. "You are okay, Wanda. Listen to my heart beating; focus on matching my breathing."

She verbally counted aloud for the two of them, keeping track of the inhales and exhales. Eventually, the brunette's breathing became more regulated, and Wanda started to come back to reality. Tears still freely escaped, but those were the least of her concerns. Her cheeks turned a faded red as she noticed the position the two were in, muttering a quiet "I'm sorry" for the situation she unwillingly put Natasha in that night.

Natasha's eyes widened, "Do not apologize. We all have our moments; we're merely human."

"I woke you up, though. And, it's late. I don't want to bother you because it's so late. I don't want you to have to wor—"

The Sokovian's spiraling was quickly ended as the redhead cut her off, "You were not doing too well in that pretty head of yours. I had to make sure you were okay — which you clearly were not. I do not mind waking up to help you, солнышко." [Sunshine/Little sun]

If the brunette had noticed the choice of phrasing of her roommate, she did not make any mention of it. However, the evidence was definitely displayed upon her freckled cheeks, for she could already sense the heat returning to them.

"'солнышко'?" Wanda wondered aloud. "а ты говоришь по русски?" [Do you speak Russian?]

The question made Natasha chuckle for a second, "Учитывая, что это был мой первый язык, да." [Considering that it was my first language, yes.]

Wanda smiled sleepily, "Теперь мы можем говорить дерьмо о людях на другом языке." [Now we can talk shit about people in another language.]

Natasha let out a real laugh at this comment, "Yes, we will. Now, it is time to go to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow, солнышко." She did not move, though; in fact, she had no plans to go back to her bed. The two lay there, cuddling in Wanda's bed. Wanda drifted off soon, while Natasha lazily ran her fingers through her long strands of brown hair. She hoped that Wanda would be okay in the end, and she would do anything to ensure that. Despite only having known her for a day or so, she could easily tell that the brunette was very similar to herself, insofar as they struggle when their pasts and their identities but only want to be considered "good" for — as well as by — the people that surround them.

Not much later, Natasha's eyes fluttered closed. The two slept relatively peacefully throughout the remainder of the night.


Word Count: 807

Author's Note

For reference, parts of this chapter were obviously facilitated by google translate and whatnot; thus, I apologize if any mistakes were made in the translations.

I do apologize for the lack of posting (it's been nearly ten days). Initially, I did not wish to go that long without posting, but I did say my schedule would not be strict (to discourage burnout)... so I'll let it slide. That being said, I do hope you enjoyed this chapter!

If you haven't checked it out yet, I have a one-shot collection for Wanda Maximoff/Elizabeth Olsen x Reader (titled "Wanda Maximoff/Elizabeth Olsen One-Shots") on this account. There are some stories already posted, in the case that you want more stories.

Additionally, requests for said one-shot collection are OPEN and WELCOME! Please comment and/or message me if you have one you'd like me to write :D

Once again, thanks for reading, and I'll try to get some more of this story out in the coming week.

x, Beth.

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