chapter seven: meeting the friends

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It did not take very long for the two girls to get ready and leave. According to Natasha, it was intended to be a 'lowkey' party with her friends and various miscellaneous people they knew. Thus, the two opted to stay in their outfits from earlier that day: Wanda with her soft, cotton black dress and knee-high socks and Natasha with her simple dark blue jeans, black shirt, and rose-colored leather jacket.

From afar, Wanda allowed herself to admire the redhead's outfit. It was definitely a choice of plain fashion, but she thought Natasha made it look so pretty — she looked so pretty. The way her hair essentially matched the fiery, deep red of her jacket had the brunette reeling internally. Though her beauty was undeniable, part of her felt wrong for even thinking such things about the other girl in the first place. This was her roommate, her only friend, Natasha. She refused to lose their newfound friendship over some silly, childlike 'crush.' Maybe — no, hopefully — it would fade with time; the dream will lose color, and the feelings will diminish.

Unbeknownst to the brunette, Natasha was experiencing a similar crisis. No one has made her feel as secure and comfortable as Wanda has, especially within such a short time frame. She was left confused about her feelings and what it all meant. This was troubling in and of itself, for confusion was a foreign entity that deeply scared the Russian. There has never been a single person in her life who, apart from her family, has made her feel so comfortable as to simply exist without a need for all of the facts. However hard she tries, Natasha cannot deduce how Wanda became the first. The redhead has been skillfully maneuvering her way through life with a filter, guarded and skeptical; this ability is the only reason she is able to currently stand across the room from the Sokovian, continuing to mask the unmistakable, albeit incomprehensible, feelings that are currently coursing through her body and mind.

But, the moment Natasha finally turned to look at Wanda and ask if she was ready to go, her worries seemed to melt away. She watched as the other girl scrounged through her belongings to find a specific pair of earrings, taking her time in the mirror to put them on correctly. Her eyebrows were scrunched in concentration as the soft glow of the light in the room highlighted the Sokovian's naturally beautiful features. Before she could get the question through the barrier of her lips, she gave herself this second to merely observe the brunette. While the angst would definitely remain unresolved for some time, she was content as long as Wanda was in her life. It did not matter if she were a friend or a girlfriend — at the end of the day, she just needed the assurance of Wanda. With Wanda residing only a fraction of a distance away from herself, Natasha was at ease, with or without the knowledge or understanding of the exact nature of her feelings.

The two walked alongside each other to the site of the party. The autumn air was accompanied by a slight cool breeze. Wanda, however, could barely notice the chill due to the focus on her racing mind. To say Wanda was nervous about meeting Natasha's friends was an understatement; she was petrified. What if they didn't approve of her? Although she was suffering silently, the redhead seemed to notice her friend's internal conflict. Using her elbow to nudge her in the side softly, she asked, "Are you okay? Don't get me wrong, I know you're usually quiet, but you just seem extra quiet tonight."

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