○●■Chapter 1■●○

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TW/CW- little bit of fighting in the beginning-

"TOMMY THATS NOT THE POINT" his mother yelled at him "YOU KNOW WHAT IN DONE IM NOT GONNA SIT HERE AND YELL AT YOU" Tommy said walking to the front door and slipping his checkered vans on. "TOMMY GET BACK HERE DONT YOU DARE LEAVE THIS HOUSE!" He opened the door "WATCH ME!" he slammed the door shut behind him.

Tommy ran unknowing where he was going. He ran for 8 minutes until he stopped to catch his breath and look at his surroundings.

Knowing that Toby's or tubbos house was not that far from here, but he knew that his mother would go there first to find him, so he kept walking. Until he stopped at a run down house, it had vines on the side, grass haven't been mowed in along time, needing a new coat of paint, and there was a for sale sign on the lawn just barely seen from the grass.

Walking to the door knowing his mother wouldn't look in here. The door was unlocked surprisingly, looking for any signs of life so far none.

Walking further into the house setting his phone down on the counter. He walks into the living room seeing there's an upstairs, he starts to walk up the stairs when the room became more colder, but he kept going thinking it was a open window.

Tommy reaches the top of the stairs and opens a room.

"get out"

Tommy heard that and left that room he also felt a bad vibe, going in the next one, this one had a very welcoming vibe to it he walked of to the bed and sitting on it. 'Very comfy' he thought.

Getting up and walking out of the room. He was about to going in to the third room when the lights in the hall came on then flickering.

"Get out"


"Get out of my house child"

And with that he bolted down the stairs and out that door slamming it shut in the process. Once again he ran this time he knew where he wanted to go, tubbos house he had already forgotten about the fight with his mother.

Once again he ran and ran it wasn't till he got to tubbos he stopped, knocking on the door until tubbos mother Christina opens it (fake name) "Oh hi Tommy what are you doing your mother have been worried sick about you" worry lacying in her sweet voice.

"Yeah I know, could I talk to Toby please" Tommy said just wanting this to be over. "Okay, he's in his room" she opened the door more and moving to the side, Tommy walks in the door taking off his shoes.

"Are you staying the night or?" Christina asked Tommy before he walked upstairs "is it alright if I do stay?" He asked "yes, just phone your mother saying you are please" she told him "alright I will" Tommy continued to go up the stairs. "Tubs?" Tommy stuck his head in the door "AHHHH WHAT THE FUCK" tubbo screamed, while Tommy falling over and dying of laughter "Tommy what are you doing here!" Tommy getting up and sitting on tubbos bed "hehe, well so um..... I got it to a fight with my mum and I ran out of the house and I ran and ran till I stopped at this abandoned house and I went in and I was checking out the rooms there and I was about to go in the third room but then the hall light came on and started flashing, then I heard voices telling me to get out, and well I ran out of the house and coming here" Tommy explained.

Tubbo had the most confusing face on. "Wait a minute.... I don't think I grabbed my phone shit" Tommy was checking his pockets. "Okay, so your saying that you went to an abandoned house heard voices and lights started flashing and you forgot you phone there....?" He said "yes, what I'm I gonna do because I aren't going back there alone" Tommy said.

"I come with you, and maybe we will see some ghosts there" tubbo said smiling "ghost aren't real tubs" Tommy rolled his eyes playfully.

"Whatever Tommy" Toby smiled.


Word count: 715

I wanted to make it more then a thousand words but I just couldn't, other chapters will probably be 1000 or more. This is the first chapter of this book and I'm not really that happy on how this chapter turn out, but I promise they will get better in time. I will be posting 1-2 chapters per week just to let yall know. This is my 1st book, so yeah

Eat drink byeee!!!!!

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