Master of Seduction

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"I'm serious, I really think he talks to his books like they're people." Annie crosses her arms, stern expression. Reiner laughs.

"I dunno broskis, Armeen isn't that unhinged..." He trails off for a second, a fly flying past catches his nat sized attention span.

"I dunno Reiner-"

"Shut up Bert." Reiner says quickly. His head snapped back to reality.

Annie only shook her head, "you don't have to believe me, I'm only saying, Armin's been acting really weird lately. His abortion book has been coming up in conversations way more than usual."

Jean walks around the corner, stack of papers in hand, having heard the last of Annie's sentences. "What about Armin and his abortion books?"

Bert looks wide-eyed at Jean. "There's more?"

"Oh yeah. Got a whole shelf of them back at his place." He looks off in the distance at Armin minding his business by his cubicle.

"He's been really weird with them lately I suppose." Conny chimes in from behind Jean.

Nobody even noticed him.

"Ha, small boy be sneakingggggg." Reiner eases in.

"No way. He's fine." Jean says. Annie only chuckles and shrugs.

"Fine. Whatever. Don't say I didn't tell you so." She says, walking away. Bert follows her, leaving Reiner behind. Staring at the ground.

"Heh, isa flyyyyyy." He mumbles. Conny looks at him with a concerned expression.

"Shut the fuck up." He blurts out before walking away. Jean looks back.

"Wait, is it safe to leave him here? Unsuper...vised." He watches as Reiner just flops over. "Okay yeah, Conny! Wait up."

Armin mumbles to himself hunched over, MiKasA standing behind him in the doorway.

"Armin? What are you doing?" She asks. He jumps and puts the book away on the little shelf he had, quickly.

"Huh? What? Nothing. Just reading some papers." He says, with a nervous smile on his face.

"Okay..." MiKasA says quietly. Ereh's head pokes around the corner.

"Stop standing around and come on. We don't have all day." He says in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah yeah, give me a second." Armin says as he shoos them away from his cubicle

He turns back to the shelf and grabs the book he had put up earlier, whispering things to it before putting it back on the shelf and walking out behind MiKasA and Ereh.

Niccolo is gonna cook dinner for everyone in the office, except Floch. He wasn't invited

On the way they spotted Reiner on the ground, Levi hunched over him, Erwin checking his pulse.

"Is he dead?" Levi asks. Erwin shakes his head.

"He's still alive. He overdosed." Levi sighs.

"Again? Turn him over." He says, standing back up and walking away. Unconcerned.

Ereh looks over to Reiner before he continues walking. "Idiot."

"Like you would know what correct dosage of steroids to take. Weak bitch." MiKasA says.

"Yeah, I don't need steroids to be strong."

MiKasA laughs. "I could break you like a twig, stfu."

"No u can't."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2022 ⏰

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