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"(Y/n)!!" Taromi speaks from your phone.
"Geez! What is it?! I'm busy cooking!"
"I asked him out," 
"Who's him?" 
"Jin! Who else?" You felt Taromi rolling her eyes on the other side of the screen.
"Well, alright? What did he say?"
"He said yes! And now i don't know what to wear! Please help me!" Taromi begged with a nervous smile, expecting you to say yes.
"Okay, fine. What are the choices?" You asked, clearly talking about Taromi's clothes.
"Um.. There's this black dress, a red dress, and white d-" She showed you the dresses on her bed, making you gasp aggressively.
"That black dress is a whole gown! Are you going to a party or something?! T-that red one.. The skirt is too short! And the white- It's nice but, it's revealing too much skin!"
The conversation led to silence.
"So what do you want me to wear? Plain t-shirt and jeans? We're going in a cinema!"
Taromi crossed her arms on her chest after putting her phone on the bed sheets.
"..Whatever you want." You knitted your brows and ended the call before she could speak again.
Sometimes, this friendship is just a stress to you.
If Jin and Taromi also gets together, you would be left out for sure.
You sighed before coming back to your cooking.


After cooking, you ate your food and did some chores.
Living alone wasn't really easy, but what can we do? It's life.

You wonder how their date went.

Meow! You checked your phone, expecting it to be Taromi.
But apparently, it's not. It's a worse person.

im back!
im hiding in a bathroom now

are u hiding from the police LOL
deserved, bitch

you hurt me again

its true though
for stalking me and uhhhhhhh talking to me i guess
but yea

This time, unknown didn't reply back.
Oh no! I think you hurt your baby. You didn't have to be that harsh.
He appreciates it though, haha
Slit his throat and he'd still love you

CONVO (textfic - yandere x reader)Where stories live. Discover now