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A/N: been a while since i unpublished this book LOL anyways enjoy


Ugh. I feel so tired.
Why do i have to go to school almost every single day?
It feels like i've been taking drugs everyday without knowing.
After class, i decided to approach Jin before his crazy fangirls surround him.
"Uh.. Jin." I call his name, making him pay attention to me.
"Oh, yes?" Jin replied.
"I was wondering if you visited Taromi?"
"..Oh, yeah, yeah, of course! I forgot to tell you. Well, she seems fine but, she told me she was sick, so she wasn't able to go to school."
"Hm.. I see. The next time you visit her, please tell her to reply to my messages."
Jin nodded to my request as i walk away to my seat.


It's been kinda concerning the way how (Y/n) is acting about Taromi.
I doubt there was nothing that happened between them.. They must got into a fight or something?
Maybe i should ask (Y/n) or Taromi after school. I'll have to fix this on my own i guess..
I just hope it'll be not that hard to deal with.
Ring! My phone rang a text notification. I grabbed it.


hi? whos this

that doesnt matter
youre jin right? (y/n)'s friend?

oh ye, why?
need sumthing

i need you to meet up with me after school.
we have a discussion to talk about

first u wouldnt even tell me who u are and now ure telling me to meet up with u?
dont think so mate

meet up with me before i harm anyone else fucking dickhead
you may not know who i am but i can literally bury you alive whenever i want
dont bring someone with you btw
behind the school. 6:40 pm

Unknown has blocked you.

What in the world just happened?
Is this a prank or another desperate fangirl..?
They threatened though.. Should i even meet this dude?
What's concerning is that they mentioned (Y/n)'s name and not me, which is quite unusual. I'm pretty sure (Y/n) only has two friends which is me and Taromi.
..There's something fishy here.

R E A D E R (also time skip)

"Hey, Jin." I called out Jin's name again. He turned to me.
"Yeah?" Although, there is something unusual in his tone.
"Eijiro and i are going now. See you at monday?"
Jin stared— No, zoned out at me for a few seconds.
"O-Oh, yeah! Of course. See you."
"Update me about Taromi by the way. Thanks."
Eijiro and i walked outside the school.
Though, is Jin even okay? He sounds and acts so different ever since i talked to him in the room.
Heh. I'll try asking him later.
"So.. (Y/n).." Eijiro started.
"I-I was wondering if i could.. Take you out on dinner on this weekend?"
I stared at him. Wow. Never thought he'd have the balls to ask me that.
"..Oh, sure? Saturday or sunday?"
"Depends which day you're more free."
"Hm.. Maybe saturday. That's okay with you?"
"O-of course!"
"Alright then." The conversation ended awkwardly, but that's pretty much expected from Eijiro since he's shy. I just let it slide and focus on walking him home.

Later on, we arrived on his house. "Thank you for walking me home, (Y/n)-san. Please arrive home safely!" Eijiro bowed to me after stepping on his doorstep.
"Yeah, no problem! See you." We waved each other goodbye before he closed the door of his house. Soon i also left my recent position and walked home.

Now that i'm home, i actually feel better. But of course, i still have to eat dinner before resting. 'What do i cook?' I thought to myself. Honestly, i was in the mood of chicken curry.
I opened the television and it showed the news. Just a few seconds in preparing to cook, my phone rang, Meow!

good evening my love \(^ヮ^)/
how was your school?

not now
im cooking

okie dokie
ill wait:3

This guy is acting like a femboy again. Jesus.

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