Lost and Found

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"I wish to protect you till death do us part. I shall be your knight, till now, and forever more."

I was thrown in a dumpster when I was a baby. I had no one to raise me, but when I was knocked unconscious, I was put to deep sleep. Two kind civilians heard my movements in the dumpster and pulled me out while I had woken up at the age of 5.
I questioned why I was disowned by my parents. The doctors at the hospital said I was a completely normal child. It kinda made me sad but at the same time, I couldn't remember what my parents looked like. It's like I popped into the world out of thin air.
When I was 15, I was taken in by two lovely couples. It lasted for 3 years until my foster mom died, my foster dad then became an alcoholic. Before he said anything about kicking me out, I kicked myself out. I knew it would happen, That's probably why I hardly spoke. The doctors and my foster mom taught me how to understand the English language. But I hardly used it, because I made a vow of silence, I used sign language.

But here I am, 28 years old, in a mental hospital, in the great Gotham City. Locked up in solidarity confinement, with one toilet, no bed, no light, no sound. Peace.
I made a friend with one of the cellmates nearby, they were oddly kind enough to sneak me a pencil and a mini notebook.
I couldn't quite remember their name, but rather didn't. Because if I did, then I would be haunted by that name. A name that would be on death row.
I wrote on the walls. I wrote poems that a nurse had read to me from a book of poems that she had on her shelf. I loved that book.
One day I read them out loud to myself and remembered every single word. While doing that, I wrote my original poem.

'Slaughter the Pigs,
Start with the males,
They will make a good feast,
Start with the Females,
They will make young offspring,
Start with the piglets,
They will make good bait.'

I'm probably messed up in the head to make that one. I probably am. Hm.

It's been a while since I've seen the outside. I kinda remember, sometimes I do. I don't like having to think about the reason why I'm in here. In this silent place.

I woke up and felt rough rumbling. I heard a noise. A very loud noise had made its way into my room. It made me go crazy.

A loud noise?! Here!?! Why isn't it quiet anymore!!?? Where is my solitude!!??

I wished that I had never heard that sound. I could almost scream, but I couldn't. There was a loud banging on the walls as if the whole building was about to fall and crumble.
I heard...

I heard yelling outside my door.
I put my hands over my head and began to panic. I wanted it to stop. I begged for it to stop. But I wouldn't.
Until I heard whispering behind the door. Talking about me. I ran to the other side of the room and began to climb up the wall and laid my back on the ceiling. *Note: you don't realize you have powers until later on*
An explosion opened my door and a man in purple (Author's Note:*PURPLE GUY!?!*) walked in, very quietly. The loud noises had stopped and all that was left in the room were slow footsteps.
He hummed while having to search for me. As if I were invisible, but he knew I was there. In the very same room.
He then...disappeared?
I stepped up from the ceiling, having to be upside down, too much blood had reached my head. In a quick second, I passed out and fell. I was then quickly caught by a big pair of arms.
I was numb, and I couldn't comprehend what has gonna happen to me.

I then went into another deep sleep, dreaming about what home would've been like if I weren't tossed away.
But in the arms of the man that were warm and gentle.

I was found.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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