Chapter 1: The Fight Never Ends

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Hope's POV:

I stare at myself in the mirror after I put on my new suit. It may be new, but the feeling I get when wearing it is all too familiar. The feeling of absolute dread of the oncoming invasion. I hear a knock on the door and from the scent, I can tell it's Bucky. "Come in." 

The door opens and I see him walk towards me through the mirror. I see him set his gun down on the bed next to me and turn as he reaches me and place my hands on his shoulders while his go to my waist. "How does it feel?" I ask, nodding to his new vibranium arm. "Weird, but good." 

He takes in my expression. "What's on your mind?" I sigh and close my eyes, leaning my forehead on his chest. "I just...I just want all this to be over." I feel him press a kiss to the top of my head before I look up. "There's something else, what's going on?" He asks. 

"Some days I wish I was born normal. Human. Then I wouldn't feel the need to be apart of this world. I could just ignore it and let others fight my battles. Me being who I am, my life was never meant to be mundane and normal. I was always meant to fight." He nods in understanding. 

"The thing is, the fight never ends. I've been fighting for six years now. I've died twice and I'm still fighting." He sighs and wraps his arms fully around my waist while I wrap mine around his neck. "Take this from a 100 year old man-" I chuckle at this. 

"-life is never what you expect it to be and it's rarely what you want it to be. Things happen, it's how you deal with what life hands you that defines you and makes life worth living. If you were normal, we never would have met and who knows where I would be right now." I think about it. 

He's right. Who does know? I mean, I'm the one that helped him recover in Bucharest. Would he have gotten there on his own? Who knows. Maybe he would have, maybe he wouldn't. I can't change the past. 

"If you were normal, you'd probably be sitting on your couch right now, watching the news about everything that happened in New York and you'd think 'man I wish I could help out'. Thing is, you've saved so many lives, doing what you're doing." I lock my eyes with his as he speaks. 

"You're one of the most selfless people I know. Like you said, you've died twice and you did that to save people. And even now, when you're tired of fighting and you don't want to do it anymore, you're still gonna go out there and fight because that's just who you are." 

I smile at this. "You protect those you love because you can. Your strong Hope. The strongest person I know, and not just in the physical sense. Now, I heard that the Quinjet landed. They're all here." I nod, my worries and fears melting away. My friends are here. My family. 

My teammates. The people I've fought beside for years. Maybe not all of them, but enough of them. "Let's do this." I say. He chuckles and takes my hand in his, grabbing his gun with the other. He goes to leave, but I stop him. He gives me a questioning look. 

"One last time. This is our last fight. After this...we make our own lives. Outside of the world of wars and alien invasions. We offer help, but we're done." He has a thoughtful look on his face before smiling down at me. "One last time Hope?" "One last time Buck." 

Together we would out of the extra room I used in the palace and towards the helipad. "How are we looking?" I hear Nat ask. "You will have my King's guard, the Boarder Tribe, the Dora Milaje, and..." T'Challa trails off as we are in sight of them. 

I smile, genuinely happy for the first time since T'Challa shared the news with us. "A semi-stable 100 year old man and an all-powerful immortal tribrid." Bucky jokes as Steve grins and walks up to us. "How ya been guys?" He asks, hugging Bucky first, then me. 

"Not bad, for the end of the world." Bucky grins. I turn to Nat, smiling. She pulls me in to a tight hug. When we pull away I raise an eyebrow at her now blonde hair. She rolls her eyes. "Don't even start." She grumbles. I smirk. "What? I like it." I tease. She chuckles at this. 

"And what about you and your new, fancy outfit?" I roll my eyes. "Shuri thought my old suit was outdated, which I can't say I disagree with. Besides, I died in my last suit, I think that's bad luck on steroids to continue to wear it." She chuckles at this.

That's when I see Bruce over her shoulder. I smile at the man. He looks shocked. "Hope? You haven't aged a day." he says, walking forward and hugging me. "Yeah, that tends to happen when you're a vampire." His eyes widen. "You died?" I nod. 

"In Sokovia. I blew it up and the amount of power it took killed me. I'm ok though. Adjusting, but ok." He nods. "Good." I turn and hug Rhodey. "Hey Supergirl." He says. "Hey Rhodes. How you doing?" "Not too bad, not too good." I nod. That's when I see Wanda and Vision. 

I walk over and hug the stressed woman. "Hey." "Hey." "We'll figure this out." I assure her, pulling away. She nods, not convinced. "I hope so." I take her hand and she stares me straight in the eyes, pain evident in them. I feel for the girl, the pain echoing in my chest. 

"I know so. With our power combined, I'm sure we can figure out a way to either kill Thanos or get that stone out of his head. I'm sure Steve already told you this, but we don't trade lives. Ever. Shuri is smart. Probably smarter than Tony. She can help us." 

She still doesn't look all that convinced. I sigh and squeeze her hand before going onto Vision's other side to help her support him so he can get inside. He must have refused her levitating him inside, which is understandable. "Come on, let's figure all this out."

She nods and together we follow the others and help Vision towards Shuri's lab. As we are about to walk into the palace, I take one last glance at Wakanda's peaceful landscape. I hope this isn't the last time I'm seeing it this peaceful. 

Wakanda has become my home and no one messes with my home. No one. 

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