10. camp day 4 part 1

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We went to bed late and woke up in the morning to Sarah still missing. We immediately got up and found a teacher. We lied, saying she had been gone since last night, but it was really the night before. At breakfast, the teacher announced that activities were cancelled for the day. We were all going to the lake for a swim. One teacher would supervise while the others went to search for Sarah. I heard two teachers talking. They said they'd call the police if she wasn't found by lunch. Some boys spoke up from another table and mentioned their missing friend. The teachers put two and two together. They decided to still look for them but not to bother the police until dinner if they weren't found. Amanda, Jessica, and I changed into our swimsuits in our cabin. We joined everyone at the lake. I sat on a rock with my feet in the water. I didn't usually like to socialize much but my friends always pushed me to. They meant it in the nicest way but right now, I just needed to sit and think. Sarah was missing and I was worried. Amanda didn't seem too bothered but I knew she was just putting on a face. I watched Amanda as her long brown hair fanned out around her in the water. Her freckled face smiling in a grin. I wished Sarah was beside her, splashing her with water. Sarah was a typical boy crazy cheerleader, but she was fun and always knew how to make me smile. Amanda was the friendly one who made friends with everyone. They were the best friends anyone could imagine. I smiled sadly at my feet. Jessica swam over to me and touched my knee.

"We'll find her Lizzy." She whispered. Jessica was quiet like me. But I was short and awkward. She was tall and sweet. I always liked Jessica. She was kind to me and always made sure to talk to me at parties if I was alone. I nodded at her and smiled to let her know I was okay. She turned and swam back to Amanda. I slowly lowered myself into the water. It was cold and it took a moment for my body to adjust. I walked slowly, deeper into the water. Boys were splashing each other and wrestling. I tried to avoid being knocked over, but one jumped backwards onto me, and I stumbled. I fell into the cold water and came up gasping at the cold. The boy apologized and went back to what he was doing. I decided that was enough for me and sat at the edge of the water, shivering. Someone came up behind me and wrapped a towel over my shoulders. I looked up as Eddie sat down beside me. He had been swimming. His hair was wet, and the curls stuck to his shoulders. I found my eyes trailing to his torso. It glinted as the sun hit his skin. I sucked in my breath and quickly looked away. Eddie noticed and chuckled.

"I know, I'm pretty hot." He grinned at me. I knew he was joking but I almost agreed with him. I stuck my tongue out at him to avoid the embarrassment of saying something stupid. His eyes glanced down to my thigh, and he looked away quickly. I looked down and saw my shorts had ridden up, showing a few of my cuts. I quickly pulled my shorts down over them. Eddie looks at me softly.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. I can tell he doesn't know what to say. His hand is at his side, between us. I place my hand gently over his. He smiles at me.

"Hey Liz!" I hear Mitchell call to me. I roll my eyes and look over. He is swimming over. I move my hand from Eddie's, so he doesn't have a reason to hurt Eddie. That doesn't stop him though.

"What are you doing here, Freak?" he glares at Eddie. Eddie returns the glare.

"I'm sitting here with Liz." Mitchell scoffs and turns to me. He traces his hand up my thigh and past my shorts line, I push his hand away, but he has already seen the cuts.

"Did this freak do this to you?" He turns to Eddie, but I grab his shoulder.

"No, Mitchell. It wasn't him. Please just leave it." I want to cry but I don't. I feel myself start to shake. Eddie instinctively touches my shoulder. Mitchell grabs his hand.

"Don't touch her. She's mine." I can tell Eddie is annoyed but he stays quiet. I stand up and turn to leave.

"Hey Liz, where you going?" Mitchell calls after me.

"Away from you." I turn and glare at him. I turn back to leave but I step on something sharp. I cry out and lift my foot to see the damage. It didn't break the skin luckily. Eddie and Mitchell both get up. I look down at what I've stepped on. It's an earring. It looks familiar. I bend down to grab it and realize it's Sarah's. I stare at it. Eddie looks over my shoulder. He looks a bit confused.

"Did you step on that." I nod.

"It's Sarah's." I whisper. My eyes start to fill with tears. I know this can't be a good sign. Something is very wrong. Mitchell touches my back and I pull myself away. I'm just angry now.

"Get the fuck off me Mitchell. I hate you. I would never date you and I wish you were dead!" I scream at him. Eddie looks at me proudly. I'm usually very quiet and shy but I was sick of Mitchell. Mitchell grabbed my wrist. He was squeezing it and his fingers were digging in. I wince in pain. Mitchell leans in close.

"You are going to wish you were dead, Liz. I don't care what you want. I tried playing nice. You won't get that next time. Just wait Liz. You're just a bitch and a slut. I'm going to start treating you like one." I gulp but the anger hasn't left me. I kick him hard in the shin and he lets go. Anger burns in his eyes, but Eddie is standing beside me now. He realizes he is outnumbered and leaves to find his friends. Eddie grabs my arm and looks at where Mitchell was grabbing me. It's very red. Eddie puts an arm over my shoulders, and we walk back to the campsite. We sit on his towel in the grass. I've warmed up and the sun is nice. I lay back and watch the clouds.

"That one's a rabbit." I turn to look at Eddie who is lying beside me now. I give him a confused look.

"What?" He points up at the sky at a cloud. I realize what he means, and I laugh. He grins and looks over at me. I close my eyes as I feel the sun warm my face. I smile softly. Forgetting about Sarah for just a moment. Then the bell rings for lunch and the memories rush back. I stand up and go to the dining hall, Eddie following close behind. Everyone files in still wearing bathers. I eat quickly to get to the showers first and basically run out the door when I finish. I get to the showers and enjoy the warm water on my skin. I get changed into dry clothes. Most people will go back to the lake, but I didn't really want to. I went to my cabin to hang up my bathers and grab my book and Walkman. I walk back to the spot on the grass Where Eddie is already sitting. He is now wearing a black t-shirt and black ripped jeans. He has put all his rings back on and his hair is wet again. I smile at him, and we both open our books and read silently for a while. I decide to listen to some music as I read. Eddie leans against me slightly as he reads. I smile to myself and listen to 'sweet dreams' by Eurythmics. I find myself humming softly. Eddie looks over at me.

"Sorry." I whisper.

"No, it's okay princess." He grins at me. I blush at the nickname. He returns to his book grinning. I return to mine, but I can still feel my face burning. Why did he call me that? He was just a flirty guy, right? It didn't mean anything. I shake my head and start trying to read again but Eddie's shoulder resting against mine is very distracting.

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