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i standing there my favorite hero before me saying "Young, too, can be a hero! its okay to dream but dream something realistic" he said as then he just left me there but i didn't feel sad at all i just sigh "i already knew this was gonna happen... but that's fine..." i said as i can feel tears fall "maybe i can be a therapist or police?" i muttered as i sighed 

"no im to weak to be a police... maybe therapist for villains and heros?" i mumbled as i walked home to my house "well i am now 14 i need to think of the future so how can i make money?" maybe yeah maybe "start a cafe and name it midoriya's cafe? and maybe give free therapy for villain and heroes like talk to them but they wont know that im giving free therapy!" i said as i wrote it down in a new note book for my career plan

"now the menu..." i thought as i wrote stuff down then praticed on my own "ok extra dark coffee" and i tried "bleh! to bitter! perfect!" i said as i wrote how to make it and soo i a accidentally tripped and fell leading the milk and sugar to splatter and fall in the extra dark coffee "oh no- look at the mess what do i do!" i thought as i grabbed the coffee and trip on the sugar making me fall with the cup in my hands and spill in my mouth

"... wow- that taste good- i mean like dark but sweet- i need to add that in my menu!" and with that a cafe will start in the future something sweet yet sour a cinnamon roll will make a cafe for villains and heros

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