2 new friends and 1 boyfriend

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"that day suck a whole bunch shinsou! i mean look at my cafe! its a wreck!" i ramble at shinso as he sighed "well at least my days good- i think? i mean dadzawa mange to get me to UA and stuff he even said i can be in his class-" shinso said as i smiled "really! good for you! I'm gonna be your number one supporter!" i said as shinso chuckled "yeah i know" shinso said as i smiled "now go or you will be late!" i said as i packed him his lunch like the good mother i am

"i decided i am gonna be the mom of this cafe!" i said as eri asked something "what does that mean? i thought mommys can only be related?" she said as i smiled "i call it mother figure don't worry" i said as eri smiled

how eri is here you may ask well after the hero resque her shinso got a responsibility to take care of her but after he got in UA the responsibility was gone and he recommended me to take care of her but no one knows i am taking care of her so i decided to invite her to my little cafe

"hey mister midoriya?" she asked as i smiled "please call me izuku or some of my nicknames ZuZu Izu or Zuku" i said as i patted her head "now what was it you wanted to ask" i asked her as she thought "i saw some boys kissing each other i was wondering if that was ok?" she asked as i froze (ahhhh she was so young what do i tell her! ummm damn life) "w-well it is ok to some people but its best to support them" i said as eri nodded

(ahhhh i don't know if i accidentally turned her lesbian thinking its necessary! oh please eri understand its only optional tho i mean i am gay but doesn't mean you have too be gay and bullied from it! oh eri please stay innocent i lost mine the moment i meet kacchan so please dont have a bully! and learn all bad words and slurs! im scared you will not be a bean like me before!) i thought as i was watching my eri eat cookies

___time skip bi|ch___

"*ring* ahh! u-umm w-wellcom to midoriyas cafe please forget that scream!" i yelped at the door ringing "hello is there soba here everything is closed..." double hair said as i try and prosses what he said "u-umm sir- this is a cafe-" i said dumbfounded as he went back to check the sign 

"oh... then can i have iced coffee..." he said as the door opened again "a-ah wellco-" i said as eri ran towards the door "Mr aizawa!" she said as he picked her up "aizawa sensei?" " ...i see problem child 2.0 found my happy place" aizawa said as i gave double hair his ice coffee and aizawa his normal drink "ah thanks non problem child" aizawa said as double hair just bowed and sat down

"... may i ask why the window is broken?" double hair said as the door rings twice saying a anger pomeranian joined the party "ah great timing kacchan" i said as i dragged him near double hair "oh... hi bakugo" "oh icy hot came in the cafe" the talked as i watched "he broke my window but anyways how do you know each other?" i asked as the door ringed again

"welcome to-" i said as i got dragged away "oh hi extra" bakugo said as i turned to see who it is "arent you the one who made my ZuZu's day bad" shinsou said as i hugged him "the fuc-" bakugo said as i spot the swear and eri and with that i took the liberty to kick his balls "swear in front of eri again and i will personally kill you" i said as every one got scared of me except dadzawa eri and double hair "what is kill?" eri asked as i spoke "well giving someone ever lasting rest" i said with a smile while eri smiled bigger

"Izu knows a lot of stuff right Mr aizawa" eri said as she got patted by aizawa "mmhm he definitely knows how to make coffee taste heavenly" aizawa said as double hair took a sip of his coffee to calm down "oh i didn't introduce myself... im shoto todoroki" he said as i smiled "izuku midoriya!" i said as shinso held me close again "M I N E" he said as i sighed

"shin can you please let go?" i asked him as he let go for a bit then with a whole lot of thinking he held me again "are you gay?" shoto asked as i nodded "...GAY" he randomly said as aizawa bakugo me and shinso said "wow thanks" and with that total silents "i knew aizawa was dating mic but you too kacchan?!" i asked as aizawa spit his coffee "you know im dating someone and now problem child is gay?!" he said as he choked

"ehem ehem breaking news! underground pro hero Eraserhead died from caffeine from a little coffee shop called midoriyas cafe sir midoriya what can you say for your self-" i said holding back laugher and everyone laughed "whats gay?" eri came to me as everyone stoped laughing "well its when the same genders like each other like i told you before" i said patting him death glaring todoroki and kicking him out

"now then whos next shin come here and pick one for me~" 

"ye-yes sir!"

"how can you be a scary bottom..."

"what was that?"


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