He's a pervert

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Beomgyu had always known that Taehyun's a straightforward weirdo, which he's completely fine with. But after getting to finally date him, there's something else that Beomgyu had discovered; Taehyun's a pervert. And a very bold one at that.

It all started with subtle touches a few months after they got together. From placing his hand on Beomgyu's thighs or waist to caressing them. Then taking it further to moving his hands towards Beomgyu's inner thighs or his ass if they were standing with Taehyun having his arm around his waist.

Beomgyu wouldn't say that he hates them but they do make him feel flustered and embarrassed if they were in a public setting. Actually, it doesn't matter if they were in public or not. Taehyun's touches make him all squirmy and hot either way.

Another thing about Taehyun is that he has practically little shame to no shame when it comes to touching Beomgyu or showing his interest in sodomy. Of course Taehyun doesn't force Beomgyu into anything that he doesn't want to do, but Beomgyu's well aware of his intentions. And he knows that Taehyun's a hormonal young adult.

"Taehyun... What are your hands doing?" Beomgyu asks while trying his best not to get too affected by the caressing Taehyun has been doing for the past few seconds.

"You have a mole here" Taehyun replies, his index finger circling around the said mole located at Beomgyu's back, just a little above his waist and near his spine.

"Eh? Really?" Beomgyu turns his head around and twists his body as much as possible to look at the spot where the mole he never knew about is. "Oh, I see it!"

"Yeah" Taehyun smiles and attempts to wrap his arms around Beomgyu's bare waist, only for the older boy to stop him.

"I have to go to uni Taehyun" Beomgyu says quickly as he rolls down the shirt he had put on halfway before Taehyun had pointed out the mole, "and you have to go to school."

Taehyun had barged into Beomgyu's room when the older was changing, claiming that he needed to study more about his boyfriend's body.

"School sucks" Taehyun mumbles, "I want to go to uni with you."

"You will soon. It's just next year" the older smiles at his boyfriend and ruffles Taehyun's soft black locks.

"Once we're both in uni, we can do so much more, like-"

"Taehyun!" Beomgyu cuts him off, already knowing what he was going to say next. "I h-have to go... My lecture starts in an hour and I have to travel!"

"Okay" Taehyun finally says and lets him off. Or not.

When Beomgyu was about to leave his room, he suddenly feels a pull and immediately loses his balance, crashing backwards onto Taehyun's firm and broad chest.


Before he could call the younger out, a pair of soft lips came attaching itself to his, shutting him up effectively.

"Have a good day at uni today" Taehyun whispers into his ear after pulling away from the kiss, his arms still securely holding Beomgyu close.

Heat rises to Beomgyu's cheeks as he nods his head dumbly. "Y-yeah, I will" Beomgyu stutters over his words, "you too..."

No matter how many times they had kissed, Beomgyu can never get used to them. Every kiss sends his heart into mayhem. Each one of them filling his stomach with butterflies, causing him to blush furiously. Beomgyu always gets flustered easily with each small intimate touch. He can't really help it, because he's in love with Taehyun and very sensitive to touches. It also doesn't really help when Taehyun's literally so handsome and hot.

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