Chapter 2: Severus Ivy Snape

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Authors Note: Hi...well this is a new story...couldn't get back the old one, Wattpad eliminated it...85 parts and 245k reads to the trash...anyways...this story idea has been on my mind for a long time and I finally have some time to write it...hope you enjoy it


"What exactly do I have to do?" I asked with determination in my voice making Dark Crow put a superiority posture

"Go to the reincarnation error and the contingency plan 020882 world and make sure the story remains unchanged...everything must go according to the original story...succeed in your mission and go back to your body and continue with your this mission and you'll never be able to see your friends and family ever again accompanied of course by an endless suffering in hell" said Dark Crow in a calm voice tone

"What if I don't how, where and when begins or ends the story?" I asked

"I wouldn't have offered you this job if I didn't think you could do it" said Dark Crow while he was taking out a collar with a small hourglass and golden hoops surrounding it "You won't be alone on this mission, this will tell you the time remaining in that world, the things you have to avoid for the story to remain unchanged, your missions of your character and this will help you communicate with me, just blow it hard and I'll appear"

This is a complicated mission...a lot of things could go wrong and they might discover me and ruin the whole story...but the reward is something I deeply desire...I have so much to do back in 2098...people that need me...and dreams I need to I...I'll do it.



I touched the collar and suddenly everything turned black, I couldn't see or hear a's only me and the endless space...of course until I was pulled by an invisible force into a bright white light that came out of nothing

"Severus? Severus!" said a women

Seve-what? I thought before I manage to open my eyes and see a women with half elegant but dirty clothes like her hair and also her face

"Oh Severus,I thought...I thought I lost you,don't you ever scare me like that Severus Ivy Snape" said the woman while hugging me

"I'm...I'm fine,okay?" I answered

In reality I was not fine, my mind was really dizzy and I heard the name Severus before...somewhere...I just...can't remember very well...why I heard it before?

"You fell really hard down the stairs and were unconcious for a week...oh Sev I thought I'll lose you" said the woman,then she stopped hugging me and said while wipping the tears that manage to escape her eyes  "Well, your father is still out so why I don't make my favorite girl some special chocolate muffins?"

"T-That be nice" I said still a bit confused by everything going on

She smiled a bit and then went to the kitchen...meanwhile she was preparing those muffins I took the time to watch the living room I was in...oh everything is a disaster, from the walls with the the tapestry falling to the pieces of glass and horrible alcohol smell that was scattered all over the place...okay,okay...I just need to know what's going oooonnn!! ow my head!! my head!! it hurts so bad!!! so bad!! 

"They're the memories of this character" said Dark Crow who appeared from nothing infront of Severus

"What are you...doing here?" I whispered 

"The first moments after the reincarnation are hard...and this is an important mission,we don't have time for you to discover who are you and all that kind of stuff" said Dark Crow 

"Don't you trust me?" I said as the dizziness started fading away

"I do...but it is innevitable for you to make a mistake or two while adapting to this new,your character's memories should already be connected with yours by now" Dark Crow said this before conjuring a large full length mirror 

I got closer to it and see a malnourished girl of no more than seven years old with big black eyes, short and greasy black hair and of course wearing old clothes that were too big for showed this character...Severus Ivy Snape...where did I...oh...oh no...oh no,no,no!

"I'm in the Harry Potter world" I said in shock while looking at my new appearance

"More especific the Wizading World of 1977...I admit it, I had to move some time strings, this error has come to far for me and Master Death's liking" said Dark Crow

"I don't remember my character being a girl" I whispered while touching the mirror

"Inevitable consequences from the reincarnation error" said Dark Crow

"Okay...okay...I can do this...I can do this" I said and then spin the golden hoops of the collar with the small hourglass making a holographic message appear in the mirror which I read out loud "First mission: reincarnate in the right world...accomplished...second mission...make Lily Evans your best friend in a year, four months, two weeks, three days, an hour and fifteen minutes with forty seconds...very specific don't you think Dark...Crow?"

And he left me...of course he did...

"Sev? you talking to me?" said the woman who was entering the living room while mixing something in a bowl

"Yeah,I...I think I'm feeling much better now, how about I help you make those" I said and then smiled a bit



"This will has to" I said as I watched Severus Snape reading some magic books that Eileen Prince hid around the house through a magic crystal ball

"Master Death is entering the limbo office Mister Dark Crow" said a femenine robotic voice

I sighed out loud...what does he want now, all of this is Light Crow error not mine...

"DARK CROW! OH YOU INSOLENT PIECE OF DARK MATTER!" said Master Death as he approached Dark Crow

"I did what I had to do to fix the mistake of Light Crow"  I said

"That's not your place! I'm taking care of it" said Master Death

"Yeah because you completely trust subject 020882" I said

This made Master Death snort loudly before saying

"I don't trust her anymore after she tried to convince her character's brother to save the Wizading World they're in, but I have the control here, I decide what's best for fixing that reincarnation error of the Wizarding World or earth 98 as you prefer" said Master Death

"And she was the best? she did that because you said to her that before going to the Wizarding World she could have three wishes and she wished things that broke the power logic of that world making her the most powerful witch of that earth" I said before chuckling a bit and say "That's the reason you should let the second chance spirits do their doesn't matter that we are short staffed, you created us for preventing this"

"I know...but with Light Crow making that awful mistake and you choosing a death girl I'm starting to have doubts about you two" said Master Death

"Second chace spirit...never forget that" I said before grabbing the magic crystal ball and shook it to show Annie Steel sleeping in a hospital bed

"You brought her back to life...why am I not surprised?" said Master Death

"I saw through this girl's soul...she'll do whatever it takes to go back...I know it" I said while watching the magic crystal ball

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