Chapter 2

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Heres chap 2! Can someone make me a cover for this book? I will choose the best one by friday. Love yall!



The next morning I was woken up by Rosy and Blake jumping on top of me.

I groaned, they should know better than to mess with me while im sleeping. One time in 8th grade I sprained Tanners arm because he was waking me up for school.

“RISE AND SHINE SLEEPING BEAUTY!!!!!” Blake yelled in my ear and I slapped him, so hard it hurt my hand. I thought about saying sorry but decided against it

“Damn, why so mean?” he asked

I buried my head in my pillow and huffed.

“Is 1:15 your not going to have enough time to get ready if you don’t get up.” Rosy said sweetly, she is always so quiet for some reason.

I just huffed again.

“Ok, you asked for it.” Blake said and I heard him walk to my bathroom, but I didn’t care I just wanted to sleep.

He came back in and threw cold water on me. That was it, he is so getting it.

I was soaked! I got up, Blake and Rosy were laughing at me.

I smiled an evil smile and they started to look scared.

“Run.” I said calmly because I was about to explode

They looked a bit scared but still kept laughing.

I walked in to my bathroom to change, I had already made up my mind that instead of hurting Blake, I would prank him. Pranking is most defiantly my specialty. I took a quick shower and by then they were out of my room.

I looked at the schedule and it said that the meeting was a casual brunch. So I put on my light skinny jeans that have holes up the legs and a pink and blue flowery blouse that was ruffled at the bottom.

Then I let my hair curl naturally and pulled one side back with a black bow. Then I did my make up. Foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and a bit of lip gloss.

Once I looked presentable I put on my black leather stilettos that had a bow on the toe.

I left my room and went to Blake’s. I knocked, he didn’t answer so I went on in. he wasn’t there as I suspected so I started my prank.

First  I set all the clocks in his room an hour behind, then I took the only two pair of good dress pants he had and broke the zippers and put a whole in the back. After that I took his tooth paste and mixed it in with his shampoo. And I dipped his tooth brush in the toilet.

After that I was done so I left the room quickly not wanting to get caught. I was till smelling that amazing smell and it was leading me to the room at the meeting. I found it just my following the smell. If it wasn’t for that then I would have gotten lost on my way. I walked in late and thank goodness every one was talking and eating or else I have a feeling all eyes would have been on me.

The smell was even stronger than before and I knew that it was in this room, but I had to find my parents. So I followed my moms scent. I soon found her and dad talking to a couple and their son. I didn’t get a good look at them but I walked up to my mom

“Oh! There you are sweetie! Meet Bill and his wife Alana. This is Gabriella but we call her Belle.” She introduced me to them I smiled warmly and shook their hands. Their son was turned around talking to some one else  but looking around at the same time.

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