Step 2 Conflict. ⚠️MA⚠

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The weekend

"Mom? " Tyler says as he sits down

"Yes? " she says as she sits next to him

"I had a fight with Zj.. And I think it ruined everything" Tyler says

"Oh no, what happened? " she says

"Well I wanted to apologize so I went to the bathroom to find Zj's and I found him kissing Ryan the other boy I like, and I tried to apologize to Zj but he got pissed at me" Tyler says

"Oh no Tyler honey, maybe you should just tell Zj how you feel? " she says

"No point anymore, he's dating Ryan" Tyler says

"Maybe Zj feels the same about you and if you just tell him he won't be so mad" she says

"Maybe.. " Tyler says as he gets up and walks to his

He sits down and sees someone texted him

                              what Ryan

Are you okay? That fight
With Zj was pretty bad.

                             Yeah I'm fine.

                             Can I ask you

Yeah! Anything.

                              Are you dating Zj?

Let's just call.

Ryan calls Tyler. "Tyler we aren't dating, we just like each other" Ryan says

  "But I saw you guys kiss.. " Tyler says

"sigh okay we are dating Tyler. " Ryan says

"I thought so. " Tyler says he hangs up

  The next day

Ryan is at Zj's house

"So Tyler asked if we were dating.. " Ryan says

"ugh, I'm so sick of Tyler! " Zj says

"I know but he seemed pretty upset, do you think he likes you? " Ryan says

"No way in hell" Zj says

"What if Tyler apologized to you in a genuine way? " Ryan says as he puts his hand on Zj's

"Look Tyler said he hated me and I said I hated him, he won't apologize in a genuine way. " Zj says as he holds Ryans hand

"Are you gonna avoid Tyler then? " Ryan says

"Mhm" Zj says

Next day at school

Tyler gts to school and he walks into the classroom and he trips while entering the classroom, Zj starts laughing but it gets interrupted by Ryan hitting him. As Tyler gets on his feet, he gives Zj a dirty look and mouthing 'your an asshole' Zj balls his fist up and slams his hand on a deck. Tyler gets to his seat and he bell rings. Class begans


Tyler sat alone again, and he needed time to himself so he got up and walked to the bathroom, once he entered the bathroom he saw Ryan.

"Hi Tyler" Ryan says

"hi.." Tyler says

Before Ryan can say anything Tyler speaks up

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