Step 3 Forgiveness

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As Tyler looks at the photo he stands up and leaves the photo on the floor, he walks over to his window and opens it he looks down and measures the drop. Once he prepares himself he jumps out, he landed on his legs but they buckle under him and he falls. He bites his hand so he doesn't make a sound, once he's ready he gets up and starts walking. After almost 20 minutes of walking he gets to Zj's house. He picks up a pebble and throws it at the window of Zj's room. After 4 pebbles, Zj opens the window.

"HEY KNOCK IT OF-... Tyler? " Zj says

"Zj I'm sorry, I really am I've been treating you like shit. You didn't ever deserve a single word ive said these past couple days. Listen I really like you! I do, I'm sorry Zj. I'm so sorry, if you don't want my apologie I understand I've been a complete dick and im sorry. " Tyler says almost crying

Zj closes his window and Tyler sighs he goes and turns around to walk away. He hears a door open and he turns around, Zj is running at him and hugs him as tight as possible. Tyler slowly picks up his arms and hugs Zj back. They both start to sob, Zj breaks the hug and kisses Tyler. Tyler is quite surprised by this but he kisses Zj back as it starts to rain. They both release the kiss and they tilt their heads so the touch foreheads, they both start to laugh as they kiss again.

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