If Not For Natasha

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   My name is Captain Steve Rogers, not that any of that matters. This story isn't about me. It's about the two loves of my life, falling in love with each other, going through highs and lows. Ups and downs. You know all that stuff... anyways, welcome in.
   Our story starts in a car of three guys, Sam, Bucky and I, on our way to Alabama to see the other Avengers...
   Sam rolled down the front window and look in the back at Bucky.
   "You mad you didn't get the front, next to Stevie?"
   Bucky was staring at his phone, not scrolling just... looking at one thing. Maybe a picture, a message, or even the time. He looked up.
   "Hmm? No, no, no. It's fine."
   He sighed, proving that, while he may be okay with Sam riding up front, he was upset about something. I didn't even bother to go there because when I did, he would always get majorly angry. Enough about me, this is Bucky's story, not mine.
   He looked down at his phone again, this time swiping and then frowning. Something was wrong, soon we'd be destined to figure out.

If Not For NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now