Chapter three:

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   Bucky sat in his room in the stupid beach mansion that Stark apparently owned. From his window, he could see the side of the Avengers 'A' that was put on the back, and beyond that was the ocean. He stared at the grey, cloudy, rainy sky. He opened his phone and put in his earbuds, playing a modern song that no one knew he liked. The small sounding voices came through very quietly.  And I'd give up forever to touch you. Bucky no longer heard the shutting of car doors, the thumping of stairs, and the talking and laughter of everyone else here. He sighed and looked out the window for a second more.
   As the lyrics poured through the earbuds, he threw his suitcase on the bed and carefully put everything away. He heard a faint tapping sound at the door, and went over, tossing his phone and earbuds down. He opened the door slightly. It was Steve.
   "Hey Buck. Wanda and her people are here, as are Yelena, Kate, the Barton's, uhh, you knew the Stark's and basically adopted Stark's and Sam were, Bruce and his cousin Jen, OH, Wanda brought some lady named Agatha. Yeah, and Dr Strange, and uhh I don't know."
   "Okay, thanks." Bucky started to shut the door again.
   "Once Nat is unpacked, we're going out Buck. Why don't you get ready and say hi to people. Please?"
   Bucky gave Steve a small smile. "Alright."
   "Great!" Steve went into his own room right across the hall, presumably getting ready to go out.
   As Bucky shut the door, he saw a flash of ginger hair on the stairs. Natasha. He shut the door quietly and started preparing for dinner.

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