♡Chapter 8♡

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Third P.O.V

They walked for a while before entering a bluebell garden belonging to the First Prince. Heading over to a gazbo placed on a small hill and surrounded by bluebells.

(this but with bluebells and its day time)

"Bring us some sweets, lippa and milk tea," he asked the maid who was with them.

She simply nodded a yes, before going to go get some sweets and tea.

Once she had brought the tea and sweets, she was dismissed.

As he took a sip of his lippa tea, the prince looked at kiel right in the eyes, as if he was staring right into his soul .

He gulped and asked.

"Is everything alright, prince?" he spoke formally, unlike normal, since the air was so thick you could cut it with a sword.

"If there were a battle for the thrown, who would you sport, young lord." Aal (Akaal) spoke even more formally, but still showing his higher rank as the First Prince

As Ijekiel processed what his childhood friend just said, Jennette sat there shocked at what the boy she called big brother just said.

Once processed, he quckily awnsered, hopping his best friend would go back to normal afterwoods

"You, of corse, my prince. As your loyal subject, i would never betray you! And as your friend, i would always be there fighting for you even if it was the cause of my dimised," Ijekiel said, bowing his head low to his prince.

As Akaal sat there, processing what his crush was, no, I mean friend, just said. Panicked and spit out his tea. He became even more flusted and started waveing his hands around in a panic.

Meanwhile, Jennette was just giggling at her friends' actions. Ijekiel stared at the love of his life, and yes, he knew he was very much gay. But ignored it and got a maid to pour him his prince, and new up of tea.


You don't need to listen or read this it's old.

This is really short, I know, ill make a new chapter tomorrow, or the next day since i also do yt meaning im busy and i also lost track of time from when i was reading, it was already nine somthing at night but that is no exuse. so i apologize, and i will work on it since I've started to fall in love with this story again.

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