Chapter 1

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"Don't do this Gail!"

"Don't do what Holly." Gail started to pace around the locker room trying to understand what was happening.

"This." Holly moved her right hand back and forth between herself and Gail trying to make Gail understand.

"I am not doing anything. You are moving away Holly, you are leaving me just like every..." She stopped and kicked the wooden bench that Holly was sitting on. " fucking leaves me. I actually thought we could be something Hols."

"We are something." Holly stood and grabbed Gail's shoulders. "Look at me please." She placed her index finger under Gail's chin and moved it up so that Gail's eyes were on her.

"Please Gail. I don't want this to be the end of us, I don't want this to stop us from being together. I know it's going to be hard for a little while but this will work out I promise."

Gail was trying to look at anything but the woman she loved who was standing right in front of her. She could feel the tears starting to form but she couldn't bring herself to let them fall, not now, she couldn't show her weakness.

"Please Gail, I love you. You do know that don't you."

"You have a fucked up way of showing me." Gail pushed herself from Holly's grip and started to pace again.

"I can't talk to you while you are like this." Holly picked up her bag from the bench. "I was going to stand here and ask you to still be with me, I just told you I love you and you couldn't care less." She threw her bag over her shoulder and started walking towards the door.

"When you have grown up Gail let me know because right now you are acting like a spoilt little child." She exited the locker room and wiped away the tears that were falling down her cheeks.

"Have fun in San Francisco!" Gail shouted after Holly. She sat down on the bench where Holly had just been seated. That is when she gave in to the pain that she felt in her heart. "You are a fucking moron Peck."

Six months later

It had been six months since Holly had left for San Francisco, and she still didn't feel like she was home.

The pain of losing Gail seemed to only get worse with time, but she just found better ways of hiding it from everyone else.

She hadn't spoken to the blonde since the night in the locker room at 15, and she regretted leaving her as she did. How was she supposed to talk to someone who wouldn't listen to her, that was always their problem.

Tonight her team were going out for a few drinks, a celebration of the hard work that they had been doing over the past few months. They had worked long hours and none of them had any social life to speak of recently, not that Holly minded, it took her mind off everything that was hurting in her heart.

"You were only together for a heartbeat Holly, why are you making this a bigger deal than it is." She muttered to herself.

It was at that moment that her Assistant, Jake, decided to knock on her open office door.

"You okay there Doctor Stewart?" He asked. He had become a friend over the past few months, it was nice to have someone to talk to while working your butt off to hit deadlines.

"Yeah, I'm fine, sorry." Holly waved her hand in front of herself to dismiss the comment she had said. "And how many more times, it's Holly, please."

"Please, people will start talking if I call you that." He raised his eyebrow and smirked. Jake was a lovely young man, straight out of college, he worked hard and played even harder. He told Holly stories about his little adventures and she saw a lot of her younger brother in him. Except he was gay, which was something he had in common with herself rather than her brother.

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