Chapter 7

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Five Years Later

Gail was hypnotized, but it felt much deeper than that. Maybe she was intoxicated, and all because of the beautiful brunette that stood in their living, dancing around with her headphones on, oblivious to Gail's presence.

Holly had on one of Gail's old academy t-shirts that Gail had managed to shrink from a baggy fit to a tight one. Not that she was complaining at this moment in time while it was slowly riding up Holly's waist to reveal the tanned, muscular skin of her abdomen and the small scar just below her belly button. It was barely visible now, Gail knew it was there though, still felt Holly's hands in hers and her voice in her ears screaming.


"You can do this Hols, you can. I know you can!" Gail held onto Holly's hand while the other woman screamed and pushed until Gail's hand was going numb.

"This doesn't feel right..." Holly's eyes were starting to close.

"Come on Lunchbox. Just push a little more."

Looking up Gail could see the doctor and nurse panicking.

"What's wrong?" Glancing at Holly, whose eyes had appeared to stay shut, it was then she realised that Holly had stopped squeezing her hand, and then she finally heard the monitors across the room that must have been beeping for a while.

"We are going to have to move Ms Stewart..."

"It's Doctor Stewart and can you please tell me what is happening..." Gail wanted to cry, what was happening? Why was no one telling her what was happening?

"Honey..." Holly croaked. "Let them save..."

Gail was then pushed out of the way while Holly was wheeled out of the room on her bed. She didn't know what to do. She stood there, tears rolling down her face and so many thoughts running through her head.

Holly's words echoed.

She ran, out of the door that Holly had just left through, and caught sight of the doctor and nurse still pushing Holly.

"Lunchbox don't leave me...please."

There was no reply and Gail just slumped to the ground.

She doesn't know how long she sat there and if asked a few years later she would still say it felt like an eternity.

Gail only became aware of her surroundings again when someone said her name.

"Officer Peck...ummmm...would you like to meet your son?"

Looking up Gail was about to protest, he wasn't her son, he was Holly's. But that become vacant on her lips when she stood and looked at the baby that the nurse was cradling in her arm. She was met by shocking blue yes, not too similar to her own.

She was speechless while the nurse transferred him into her arms. She knows she was supposed to be listening, but couldn't tear her eyes away from him.

"...Doctor Stewart is fine..." The nurse continued, and Gail eventually looked up.

"What...ummm....what happened? Is she okay?"

"She lost a lot of blood, but she's in the recovery ward now. She did great you know, he's beautiful." The nurse stroked his dark hair and turned to leave.

"Sorry, what room?" Gail shouted after her.

"Eleven." Then she was gone.

Gail looked down at the boy in her arms, asleep, with a scrunched-up face. She smiled, he looked so much like Holly, his dark hair, tanned skin and long limbs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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