Chapter 5

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1 Year 6 & A Half Months Later

The Morning After

Gail woke with a jump. She looked around the room, trying to adjust her eyes to what she was seeing. She wasn't in her room.

There was movement to the side of her and she looked down to see long brown hair falling down a naked back.

Holly she smiled.

She rolled over and snuggled into the naked back of the woman she still loved. Holly stirred and rolled over so her face was inches from Gail's. Her eyes slowly fluttered open as Gail slowly stroked her cheek.

"Hey." Gail said and Holly replied with a smile. "I didn't think this would ever happen again, waking to find you lying at the side of me." She slowly moved in and kissed Holly's waiting lips, her palm moving down Holly's arms to the round bump of her stomach. She could feel the belly button ring and tug on it a little.

"I'm glad you still have this." Gail smiles looking into Holly's eyes.

"Not for much longer." Gail ran her thumb over the ring again as Holly speaks. "I will have to take it out soon before it rips out. Another thing to give up...and I thought not drinking coffee was bad."

Gail kisses Holly again but pulls back when Holly's stomach ripples and she instantly moved her hand away.

"What was that?"

"Someone's saying hi to you." Holly said moving Gail's hand back to where it was and placing her hand on top. "If you move it here." Holly pulled Gail's hand up slightly. "That's where their head is, and here..." She moved Gail's hand down again. "Is where the feet are."

Gail was amazed; she had never felt a baby move inside someone before.

She shifted closer to Holly and kissed her neck up and down until she found Holly's lips again and kissed her with as much passion as she could.

The baby moved again.

"That is so weird."

"They like you." Holly replied and blushed slightly.

Gail smiled at her, a genuine smile and started to rub her hand over the small bump and kissed Holly again.

Flashbacks of the night before started to reappear and Gail couldn't help the moan that came from her throat, which caused Holly to pull her closer.

They spoke for what felt like hours but always avoided the obvious.



"Don't do that." Holly smiled; it was one of Gail's annoying little traits. "There is something else that I need to talk to you about, something that will probably annoy you but I need to tell you, and I'm sorry that I have to tell you with you mourning over Oliver."

"Out with it Lunchbox."

"I, ummm, I'm moving back, here, to Toronto."

Gail just stared, no words were coming out.

"I wanted to tell you when I first saw you, actually before that when you rang me but you were so drunk." Holly smiles sadly at Gail remembering the phone call. She reaches out to place her own hand over Gail's. "Mom wants me closer for when the baby is born, and to be honest I'm scared of doing it thousands of miles away, all on my own." She stroked her thumb over the back of Gail's hand. "Can you say something please?" She said with a nervous laugh.

"When?" Gail didn't know what else to say.

"In two months. Everything will be sorted then. I can't work in the lab anymore with the chemicals so I thought this was a good time to move back, and it will get my mother off my back too." She smiled.

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