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(Chapter 29)Home and a graduation

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(Chapter 29)
Home and a graduation


Author POV

The tour seemed too long yet too short all in one. The concerts were so quick in succession it felt like they all blurred into one fast paced chaotic month. None stop work, pushing his body in ways he didn't know where possible.

Soon the month was up and it was time for him to return home. Jimin mourned the loss of his soulmates who would return to their company and him to his university. They had each other in a group chat and the company had signed off forms that allowed the relationship aspect of their contract to become null, so it was permitted that he was allowed to visit them. 

It felt strange to be acknowledged as boyfriends, soulmates seemed easier, another label seemed more daunting. But Jimin only found that he loved it, it felt like they were more than just fated matches, they had decided that not fate. 

He had packed away his stuff with great reluctance. He didn't want to accept this month of happiness and pure positive energy was over. But on the plus side he had met a nice manager who was willing to write a review on his work that he could use for his CV. It was a good work experience to mention for job hunting in the future. 


Since the University year was coming to an end, Jimin was going to graduate soon. His month away had been added to his course, he had submitted dances from the concerts and practices as evidence for his choreography and group work module, he had passed with a high mark.

Chou had been the first to pull him into the biggest hug of his life when he had left the airport. The older man had missed Jimin a lot, he conveyed all of that into the warm hug. Jimin happily melted into his arms, he truly had missed his best friend and his amazing hugs. Simeon had pulled him into a hug as well, it was briefer than Chou's but affectionate all the same. 

"I've missed you so much, you have to tell me everything" had been Chou's declaration. 

So Jimin's journey back had been him telling tales about his trip in America. Chou was gushing over everything, though that was a predictable reaction. He had chosen to sit in the back of the car with Jimin while Simeon drove them home. 

Jimin had already arranged to stay at Simeon and Chou's apartment, they still had the bedroom decorated just for him, it was the most convenient. He was graduating in a few weeks and his stay in the accommodation he was renting was about to run out. Chou and Simeon had already offered their home as a place to stay as he didn't wish to stay with either of his parents, they still didn't have a good relationship with him. 


"Hi" Jimin waved at his phone as the facetime call connected. Immediately the 6 faces of his soulmates popped up on his screen. 

"Hey" the all responded with their own unique version of a greeting. 

It made Jimin grin from ear to ear, although they had only parted just a little over a day ago they missed each other. In the month of travelling from concert arena to concert arena, hotel to hotel. They had formed a close connection with one another. One that would have scared Jimin in the past, but now he embraced with open arms and excitement.

Their conversation reminded Jimin of those nights they spent talking, getting to know one another in the hotels that became temporary sanctuaries for their trip. They talked of mindless things, just catching up, reassuring they were all okay as they had both boarded different flights on the same day. 

Jimin was thankful to them, it felt like a weight was lifted off his chest. They were more than happy to show him around their apartment, promising him to show him in person next time they could meet.

"I was wondering if you could do something?" Jimin inquired.

He had hummed and hared about whether to ask them or not. He knew their schedules were busy, their manager on tour had retired, instead new workers had been brought in and they were more laid back. Allowing the members to have more breathing room and relaxing time.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked..

"I graduate in 2 weeks from University, I was wondering if you could come" Jimin was twiddling his thumbs under the desk he was sitting at. The phone was propped up against his laptop. He wanted them to be there on a big day of his life, but he knew their schedules could be jam packed, but a part of his heart was hopeful.

But the answer was enough to light up his heart, without even looking to their schedules they said yes. When he then asked about their busy schedules they told him it didn't matter. 


So when Jimin stood on the stage receiving his degree, they were all in the audience cheering for him. Taehyung and Jungkook were having a rivalry with Chou at who could cheer the most or loudest.

Ever since they had met Chou had adopted an over protective sibling with Jimin, and now he seemed to be entertaining a rivalry. Jimin and Simeon found it hilarious as they watched the competition from the side lines. 

But when he got off the stage it was to Chou's hug first, he claimed it as having best friend rights. Jimin couldn't stop smiling the whole day as they spent it together, they felt like one big happy chaotic family.

And Jimin loved every bit of it. 


Only a few chapters left. 2 and a bonus epilogue.

So I hope you enjoyed the chapter.




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