Undertale aus+ ect.

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A/N: Im gonna try to post twice a day lol. Okay the thing with this fic is that I barely know whats happening. I read the first sentence then just scrolled and saw how long it was and was like "yep, this looks exciting" so yeah- enjoy this unfinished possible masterpiece! XD
What did Error get himself into? Protecting multiple children just because there parents didn't want them and kicked them out. He had taken them in as his own and protected them with his whole soul. He loved them and thought of them as family. His big family.

Error sat up from his bed with a yawn, wanting to ignore the crying of a baby right next to him. He stood up from the bed and popped bones when stretching then went to the white yet colorful designed crib. "Come here Pallete." He said gently lifting the baby up and summoning his female ecto body so the child can feed. Even if the child could just feed off his magic by being near him, the child was taught this way first by Dream. The story with Pallete was that Ink didn't want another child. He had made so many creations already that he hadn't cared for and just thought he could discard one again. Dream didn't want Pallete to be introduced to a horrible life so he tried leaving him in underswap with the asgore there. But Dream didn't know it was a copy. A copy error had to destroy. And what error always did before destroying was look into the files. Just in case. Cases like these. He saw an anomaly and went to it just to find a crying baby in a blanket that had a sun pattern on it. Error decided to take him in as his own.
Error un-summoned his ecto body and kissed the small skeletons head before trying to burp him. He went to the dresser and hummed. He found baby clothes and his usual clothes. "Purple for you today Pal" he said and dressed Pallet first then dressed himself. He walked out his room and was immediately met with shouting from a nearby room. He walked to it and opened the door. "I DID NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!" "YES THE FUCK YOU DID! MY UNDERNOVELA POSTER IS FUCKED OVER AND TORN!" Error stared at the two skeletons. One was using magic to pin the other on the wall while the other struggled with his legs kicking everywhere. "Plum put Okse down, what happened?" He demanded an answer. Plum is the child of Classic and Red or as Error loved to call him, Edge lord. Apparently Classic wanted him but knew he couldn't keep him because it could possibly ruin things in the timeliness. Red wanted no part of the child so when Classic thought Red was going to take care of him, Red actually threw the child in a random AU, that AU luckily was dancetale. One of the more peaceful aus, even in a genocide timeline. Okse is the child of Horror and Dust. Neither of them wanted the child but Dust didn't want to kill him either. So Error basically had to grab him right before Okse died in the field of farmtale where the sun was brighter then any other au. Not many skeletons were used to that. Plum dropped Okse and huffed in frustration while Okse put his hand to his chest. "This asshole touched my stuff!" "Now plum-" "NO THE FUCK I DIDNT!" "YES YOU DID!" Error decided it was to early for this. So he stringed them. "Both of you clearly have different stories. Plum, you first." Error said and Plum started to explain how he was in Candytale for only 3 hours then when he came back his posters were ripped and Okse was the only one in the three bunked bedroom. Error nodded "Okse, your turn" then Okse started to explain how he was spying on nightmares castle again, which got Error mad but let him carry on, and wasn't there till a few minutes before Plum arrived. Plum seemed to see that he had told the truth and hung his skull in shame. Error let the two down gently and sighed "well seems as if you two have it figured it out. I want this to be settled by the afternoon or when I get back from work. Got it?" The two nodded and Error walked out the room with Pallete clapping his hands in delight.
Error walked downstairs while making silly faces towards Pallete. He giggled and squealed at all of the expressions. "Dad!" Error heard when he walked in the living room. A black boned skeleton with paint splotches on him looked at him with worry. "Yes Paperjam?" The teen crossed his arms "Can you stop working so much?" "Oh brother, here he goes again!" Said another skeleton passing by who was eating chocolate cereal with extra chocolate and chocolate milk. "Shut up Mister or ill stab you" Paperjam said summoning a bone attack and aiming for him but Mist only dodged "To tired. I need to get my nails done by Plum now so excuse me." "Plum and Okse are having talking time. And go sit at the table with that." Mist huffed and turned back on his heel and belined for the dining room. Mist is Error and Lusts child. It was from a magic battle like many others. Error loved the goofball but he didn't support thinks that made him act more like Lust. Paperjam is the child of Error and Ink. Error kept Paperjam and the child knew a lot about his magic doaner if you will. He hates the skeleton with a passion. He almost went as far as to say it to his face but Error stopped him.
"And to answer your question Jammy, no. I cant just work less. Your fa-" "Ink" Error nodded "Ink, had went on a creative spree last month and there is a possibility of him going on another one this month. So if I destroy enough AU's then there will be enough space for most of the ones he will make. Paperjam just looked to the side. Pallete babbled and started to eat Errors scarf. "I know its not easy hun, but I'm trying. I'm trying to have more free time by working more. I want to hang out with all of you more. I want to be able to give you all the love that you all need. But to do that I have to work hard and-" "but you already work so hard!" Paperjam exclaimed. Error stopped talking, knowing if Paperjam shouted at him it was better to let the teen vent about his feelings. So he sat him down on the red couch and listened to the boy. He took many things the skeleton said into consideration. Like concerns of all of there freedom to even the bad or misunderstood universe, and letting them see there magic related parents. Error knew Paperjam spoke from the heart. Especially when he said he wanted Error to be safe and by there side all the time. Paperjam finally stopped and wiped his tears away. He hadn't even noticed that he had Pallete on his lap who was smacking his chest lightly with his hand. "Paperjam. I will talk about this in more detail after work. Other things I can possibly change but when it comes to work, I cant change my schedule to much." He said and Paperjam gave a knowing nod. He knew that Error couldn't change it... he just wished he could. Error gripped Pallete from him and kissed paperjams skull before getting up. Error walked to the dining room and saw Mister with two other children. He was helping them with breakfast. "Hi daddy!" One of them said to him with a huge grin. "Morning Noir" Error said passing by him and booping the skeletons nose. He then walked to the cloaked skeleton. He was shy but he knew what would get him to say hello. "Hey pallete, how do you turn a she's skeleton frown into a smile?" Error said and the cloaked skeleton immediately looked over nad grinned "Pallete!" "Gaw!" Error gave Pallete to Goth. "Morning Goth" Error said kissing the boys cheek. Goth smiled and started to play with Pallete who was now babbling like he was trying to gossip all the new drama he's just heard. Noir is the child of Outer and Killer. Killer wanted to keep the child but didn't want the bad senses knowing. Outer didn't know about the child till a week after he was born so he didn't want the child at all. So they both made a decision to send him to mafia tale. Which is sorta ducked up in errors perspective but it was almost like the other children's back stories. Goth is the child of Geno and Reaper. Geno still loves his child with an undying passion and actually asked Error to take care of Goth. He came by to see him when he could. Reaper would try sometimes as well but Error didn't trust him enough to actually enter the antivoid. So he let Geno bring him to any au goth wanted so reaper could see him. "Uncle Error why do you dress Pallete in so much purple?" Error smiled "He loves purple more." "Why?" Goth asked and Error answered with a simple "I don't know. Only he does." Then Goth started to interrogate Pallete which only made the baby giggle. Mist handed a pan to Error. Error stared at it for a moment then to Mist "you know Guffe banned me from the oven and stove right?" Error said but Mist only rolled his eyes "he won't be here for the next hour or so. If he walks in it would be because he somehow sensed a pan in your hands-" "LET THE POOR THING GO MAGIC DOANER" they turned to the now panting Guffe at the doorway who was pointing at Error. Error dropped the pan and held his hands up. "Geez, what a drama king" Noir said taking a bite out of his cereal. Guffe smacked him in the skull lightly then walked to Error "Didnt I tell you not to touch a pan ever again?" "In my defense Mist told me to cook" Guffe glared at Mist who glared back "He needs to learn!" "Hes worst then a papyrus when cooking." Error nodded knowing that was most likely true.  Guffe picked the pan up and placed it on the stove "Ill make breakfast this once but if you think I'm gonna stay your dead wrong" Guffe said "B-but Guffe you always come back everyday. You even use your room Uncle error made you-" Goth said shyly looking to Guffe "t-thats just because there's no where to sleep! Now shut up and talk with the purple blob in your lap" said purple blob giggled. Error just chuckled at the children's chatting. Guffe is the child of Ink and Error. Formed fully from magic so he obviously doesn't see the two as any kind of parent. But if he did he would call Error father and leave ink in the dust "You bet your ass id leave him in the dust" guffe muttered. "The heck you talking about Guf?" "Nothing, hand me the butter." Error watched as his children talked to eachother and cooked together. Error smiled and walked into the living room. "Everyone im heading to work!" The children ran to the living room but Paperjam just sat and glared at the tv. "Do you have to go daddy?" Noir asked and Error nodded. Plum hugged error "see ya dad,come home safe" Error smiled "im notngoing to die or anything. I always come back" he said and said goodbyes to all his worried children. He told them to take care of Pallete since he was the youngest. And so error continued his schedule.
Months upon months he continued a good schedule and routine. But something seemed to happen. A huge time of betrayle. And loss. And deaths upon many had happened.  Ink had wentnonna creative spree that made far more universes then usual. Error didn't have time to do anything except destroy. Paperjam tried to help but was immediately turned down when Error told him to go back home. Error was destroying a copy of outertale when the star sans' came along. "ERROR!" Ink roared. Error looked away from his coding and to the three. One was furious, another was positive but filled with fear, another was concerned and nervous. Ink,Dream and Blue. "Yes Inkblot?" He said not wanting to fight today. Ink scoffed "Do you not know how many lives your killing!?" "Do you know how many your killing?" He retorted. Ink had enough and fully sprinted at him and did a red ink attack in which Error only dodged. Dream and Blue stood aside as the two fought. They both didn't want to fight error. It was weird fighting him. Dream was more scared of Ink then Error. He felt like Error destroyed for a reason, like anyone else, error should have a reason. Blue knew Error had to destroy for the multiverses sake. Blue also knew that Error was probably tired since he had been working for a whole month none stop. No missed days. No stones unturned. No anomalies were left in aus. Everything had to be perfect in errors eyes. And it was almost there. At least thats what Blue saw when Error was only dodging and trying to continue coding. Error would attack Ink usually till he saw how beaten up the skeleton was and continue his work. But it seemed as if the skeleton was tired and was almost finished with his work. "YOU DISGUSTING, SOULESS, FREAK!" Ink yelled as he attacked error. The black boned skeleton only dodged.

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