2022 Edited Version

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The search for love-
Battle of the heart
When love has been condemned
To die

(The camera pans up from the leaves on the dark forest floor, landing on the distraught face of prince Haemon.)

Crisp, red, brown,
Leaves crumble.
Haemon stumbles.
Brow sweating
Glistens in the moonlight.
Labored breaths

(A map becomes visible in his shaking hands as the camera zooms out from his face. Cold sweat drips down his face.)

Heart thuds
Eardrums pounding
The wind, relentless
It whistles as it blows.
Hair flies
No match for the power of mother nature's breath.

Time presses on
Ominous clouds roll by
Every step taken
Haemon defies the king,
His father,
No compassion
In his cold, dead heart.

(As the camera moves around the surroundings, a dark cave comes into view, the entrance glowing with the faint light of a tiny candle.)

Haemon approaches the cave,
Steps quicker
Heart beats faster,
Was that possible?
The map falls
Buried in the autumn leaves.

(The camera follows close behind, wanting to catch the moment of reunion between Haemon and his bride.)
Haemon, running,
Skids to a stop.
Footsteps in the distance
King Creon
Voice carried in the wind
Haemon moves on
Entering the dim cave.
Before his eyes
Appears his love,
(The Camera turns from facing Haemon to the hanging body of Antigone, Her fine white linen tied around her neck, tossed over a large boulder, and pulled by the weight of another.)

Tears prick the corners of her eyes
Haemon hurries
Hands trembling
Untying the life ending knots
Creon and his knights appear
Has Haemon gathers her

"Father, you have killed her....
                             ​​My one and only love died
    ​​ alone because of your greed!
                                                                         ​ May you now feel the same sorrow."

Haemon draws his sword
Creon stepping back,
One final look at his father,
One final kiss to his bride
Haemon plunges the sword
Deep into his side.

Gasps erupt
Haemon is gone
Grave bound
Creon weeps,
Then turns around
He walks away.
(The camera turns to follow Creon. As he fades into the darkness of the forest, the camera fades to black.)

Love causes pain
Pain is worth the cause
This may end in death
But is the start of another life,
For Haemon and Antigone
Together at last.

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