The First Trial // Introductions

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You felt cold. You weren’t sure why you felt that way until you opened your eyes. You were in a blindingly white room, and you were sleeping on the floor. You scrambled to sit yourself up, taking in your surroundings.

Other than there being a piano with a seat in the middle of the room, it was empty. You stood up, walking over to the piano because you noticed that there were a few things to look at.

First, you grabbed what seemed to be a phone. When you pressed the only button on the device, the mic spoke to you.

"This is the First Trial. Complete the song written on the sheet with five or fewer mistakes to survive. Go over the limit, and the room will quickly start filling with water. Your trial will start when you hit the first note. Good luck."

“…What?” Looking over to the piano, there were sheets of paper stacked perfectly. In bold letters, you read ‘Clair De Lune by Claude Debussy.

You were too frightened to make a joke. You tried to press the phone button again, but it just replayed the voice memo.

Not sure what else to do, you sat on the piano seat, setting the device down next to you.

Fortunately for you, you’d been taking piano lessons for the last ten years — since you were seven. You had only attempted to play Clair De Lune so many times, so you silently prayed that this would be simple enough.

Your hands shook as they hovered over the keys. You weren’t sure if you were stuck in a nightmare or if this was some sick prank Alexandris had decided to play on you. Taking a deep breath, your fingers began to hit the keys lightly.

The song itself is beautiful, though the slowness of it all had your heart beating in your throat. You tripped on one of the faster bits. You swore under your breath. You didn’t want to make many mistakes. You didn’t want to make *any* mistakes, because you weren’t sure if any of this was real or not. You were unsure of what consequences would come from simply messing up once. If there were any, you’d see them soon.

Continuing with the song, you got lost in the music. *Clair De Lune* is easily one of the most beautiful pieces you’d ever heard. You were only snapped out of your attraction for the piece when your hand slipped, missing the designated key. You didn’t take the time to slip out a curse this time, to focused on making sure you wouldn’t screw up again.

When the song ended, you froze. You weren’t sure how you had made it through the song with only two mistakes, but you were glad you hadn’t messed up any more than that.

A black space opened up from the middle of one of the four blank walls. Unsure of what more there could’ve been waiting for you in this room, you walked into the dark space.

You began to walk, not knowing where you were going. You walked for what felt like minutes before you wondered to yourself if you were really going anywhere at all. Only a moment later did the floor give out, leaving you to fall until you went unconscious.

~ * ~

You woke up with a gasp. At first, all you could hear was ringing in your ears. You sat up, your ears clearing, making it to where you could hear multiple conversations all going on at once. You were in some sort of cubby of sorts, and you sat on a large cushion. Outside of the cubby was a large blue room, where a group of people was trying to talk. A girl who was in the group turned around and locked eyes with you. You quickly covered your face with your hands and crawled backward until your back hit the wall.

“…Are you all right?” A feminine voice asked gently. You peaked through your fingers. The girl was crouched in front of you. She had a pretty fucked up haircut and was wearing a blue school uniform.

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