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"Joe, Y/N, come here," Reko called.

Everyone had made their way out of the pink room on their own accord, and after the two of you had a chat with Sou behind the cafeteria, you made your way to the main room, where Reko and Kanna were standing next to the staircase that had emerged.

You and Joe walked over to the two girls, "What's up?" Joe asked.

"Kanna needs some fresh clothes. Could you look around to see if there's anything she can use?" Kanna was hiding behind Reko. She must've been embarrassed.

You nodded your head. "Yeah, we'll look for something for her. Don't know if we'll have any luck, but we'll keep an eye out."

~ * ~

"Oh." You said when you and Joe entered the game room. You walked in with just enough time to see the red door click shut.

"What?" Joe asked.

"The red door." You pointed, "It was open for a second. Did you not see? I think someone went in there." You walked over to it, Joe following.

"...No? Do you want to check it out together?"

"I'll check it out by myself. Kanna still needs a change of clothes. You can look for that while I check behind this door."

Joe seemed to hesitate, "Are you sure? It's a lot more dangerous here than we originally thought. If you got hurt in there because I left you by yourself, I wouldn't ever be able to forgive myself."

"Then see it as me leaving you by yourself." You opened the door easily. "Good luck with Kanna. I'll be in here." Joe didn't get a chance to say another word before you shut the door behind you.

The room was very dimly lit. You couldn't even see where the light source was coming from. It almost seemed like a junk room with all the random items in it. But there was no one in there. Maybe you were just seeing things. You reached for the door to exit, but it didn't budge. You paused, then pulled on the doorknob again to no avail. You groaned.

You'd played enough games in your life to conclude that you probably had to solve a puzzle to get out of the room, so you started by taking a good look around. To your left was a table with a torn piece of paper. You started by looking there.

The paper had names on it, though the only name you recognized was Kazumi Mishima. You couldn't think of any use the paper could have at that current moment, so you went back to scanning the room.

On the other side of the room was a bookshelf. On top of the shelf was a box. You sighed.

You walked over and tried to reach for the box, but your fingertips barely missed. Luckily for you, though, there were books on the bookshelf.

That's what made it a bookshelf.

You pulled out a stack of books and set them on the ground. Behind where the books had sat was a digital clock. You decided to ignore it for the time being. You stepped on top of the books and pulled down the box. You brought it over to the table with the paper and opened it. Inside were two needles, one being longer than the other. They were pointy.

Scanning the room again, there was an old grandfather clock. You could almost hear the ticking. Almost. The fact that you couldn't meant that it wasn't working.

"Well, no wonder it's not working," You said to yourself, "My guy has no hands!" You put the needles into the clock, pointing at random numbers, but the clock still did not work. "A specific number, maybe?"

You stepped over into the view of the digital clock. 28:75, it read.

"Well, that doesn't fit military time at all. I didn't know I'd have to do math when I got kidnapped. Maybe I would've struggled more if I was aware that numbers would be involved," You mumbled as you played around with the needles. "Short hand... five... long hand... three?" The clock rang out like a gong, and the room was filled with the rhythmic ticks of the second hand moving by. You heard something hit the floor.

Fault Line (Joe Tazuna x GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now