Chapter 27 - Drinking Contest

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The owner's brother perked one brow as he sized us up, his thick arms folded.

"I am Mateo," he said in a gruff voice. Then he pointed to the counter. "That is my brother, Joe."

"A pleasure to meet you both," I said.

"You are here in hopes of winning the Demon's Wine, yes?" asked Mateo.

"Yes," Derek replied. He righted an overturned chair and settled onto it. "I will be your challenger for tonight."

Now the entirety of the pub was looking at Derek, perhaps enthralled upon seeing a fresh face braving against Mateo.

Amusement flashed on Mateo's hard lines. He propped one elbow on the tabletop, leaning in. A playful grin crept to his mouth.

"Many a great man have confronted me, dear boy. Tell me, what makes you so special?"

Derek inclined on his seat, placed one ankle over the other and drummed his fingers casually on the table. I almost thought it possible for him to charm his way to winning.

"Nothing. I am but a normal lad taking a tour in this lovely city. I just know that it is time for your winning streak to end."

A combination of oohs and aahs and boos erupted from the patrons.

"Your overconfidence will be the damn of you, boy!"

"He's simply putting on an act because he's brought a girl with him!"

"Dirty bastard, he just said that's his cousin."

"Well, who knows? They look mighty wealthy and inbreeding is a thing with the rich these days!"

I winced, hearing a loud smack. I do not blame them for their assumptions. We certainly didn't look like cousins.

A wicked glint on Mateo's pupils. "A 'normal lad', huh? I did not know that the Duke of the East, Derek Venieris, had such a pretty girl for a cousin."

Mateo had said it low enough that none save for the three of us could hear.

Derek straightened his back, looking mildly suspicious. His palm was hovering over the blade's hilt hanging on his belt. "You know me. How?"

At the counter, Joe seemed to know full well what we were talking about. I shot him an expression that said "You knew?" and he merely responded with a shrug.

"I was a former knight back in my days, fought in the war between the South and the West years ago. I was there when Emperor Arthur proclaimed you as Duke of the East."

My throat constricted at the mention of my father's name.

Derek had assisted my father in the war. And with his great achievements, Father awarded him his title. A year after the West was conquered, Father fell ill. Months later, I usurped the throne and led the conquest of the North. With Derek by my side as the Empress' Sword.

"I see." Derek dropped his hand back to his lap. "Ah. I do have a vague memory of seeing an enormously-built soldier and thinking to myself, 'Whoa, this one's going to break my neck in a single snap. I'm sure glad he's on our side.'"

Mateo barked out a raspy laugh. He scratched his sideburn and said, "Ever the smooth-talker, aren't you my Duke? Even though the enemy cowered at the sight of you, The Reaper from the Underworld."

Derek threw a shoulder, too forced to be anything but being humble. "I try."

I found myself tapping my foot impatiently. At this point, my hair would turn white before they'd even begin.

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