Chapter 41 - A Broken Heart

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The Spring Gala was in three days and the whole palace was hectic as ever. Even the court ladies—who were normally discouraged from involving themselves with anything aside from holding tea parties and taking care of their children—had been sought out for their assistance. It included decorating the guest rooms, choosing the appropriate dishes that particular regions would prefer, the music for the dances, the celebration's and the ballroom's main theme and many more. But never on the bigger tasks, of course. The men of the empire believed they were best suited for those jobs—any kind of jobs.

They couldn't say anything when I was the Empress, but I could sense their disapproval from a mile away. Well, that was in the past. Though even in another lifetime, I'd constantly believed that being a woman didn't define the limits of your capabilities despite what this male-dominated society said. That although I may be a court lady and not a royal in this body, I could still make a difference. As small as a droplet, yet with the ability to create ripples that extend far beyond the realm of possibilities.

In light of the upcoming events, the Wraiths hadn't gotten the chance to reconvene. I thought it was for the best. With Ethan's eyes everywhere, we couldn't risk discovery. And that bastard had become even more unpredictable now that I hold little power. I must up my guard, especially because I had literally informed the predator that I was prey.

With the matter of the palace guards that I'd killed, it seemed as though Ethan had not made it known to anyone. I'd been frightened that he would expose me. Frightened that there would be an uproar, for chaos to ensue because of what I'd done. But it seemed Ethan was wise enough not to get rid of me this early in the game. Since I'd obviously caught his interest, he would like to see me gone in the most satisfying way possible.

No, I shouldn't be this complacent just yet.

"You look as though you have a lot in your mind, Lady." Anya sat on a couch across me, munching on macaroons in the middle of the night. "Is it because of the Duke?"

I choked on my tea. Anya's deadpan expression remained unchanged.

I cleared my throat and replaced the teacup with its saucer, flustered. For the hundreds of things I wanted to say in defense all I could say was, "What?"

She wiped the crumbs at the sides of her mouth with the cuff of her sleeve. "I would not fault you if you were to choose the Duke over a childish Prince who does nothing but go on adventures. In addition to that, it is common knowledge that Eastern men have the biggest swords in the continent. Much bigger than the ones they wield. Looking at the Duke's physique, I say he's above average—"

"Stop." I cut her off, heat rising from my neck up to my cheeks at the mention of swords. "That is as far as you can go."


I massaged my temples. "Because I said so. And the things I worry about may be compared to the number of planets in the galaxy but Derek is not one of them."

It was so easy to lie.

Confusion flashed in her dark eyes. "Planets? Galaxy? What're those?"

My brows flew upward. " don't know of astronomy?"

"Gods, Lady, what language are you speaking?" she said, utterly bewildered.

I mentally smacked myself. She wouldn't know any of it. She was a servant after all. And servants didn't have the privilege to read, let alone have the time to learn.

"Forgive me," I said with as much sincerity I could muster. "I will find a book about it tomorrow."

She snickered. "I don't know how to—"

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