Chapter 18 - An Emerging Pattern

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I was in the throne room, sitting on a gilded chair and looming over four men. They were kneeling, heads bent low and their shoulders trembling. The hall was dark and the moonlight creeping in through the huge windows elongated their quivering shadows, reaching farther and farther until they reached the walls.

My elbow was propped on the armrest, my cheek planted on the back of a hand. As I looked down, I saw that I was wearing an olive-green gown and a fur-lined cloak hung from my shoulders. Looking up again, the edges of the scene were fuzzy.

Something heavy rested above my head. It was a crown.

Derek stood soundlessly at my side, as though waiting for any order handed to him per usual. The stench of blood wafted from him. The same scent was on me as well. this time, we had washed up but the metallic tang seemed to cling stubbornly onto us.

Even as we came home as victors, war refused to leave us alone.

I inclined my head, placing one leg over the other. My mouth opened on its own. "So."

At my voice, the men flinched. I caught the barest hint of a whimper from one of them.

"Who did it?" I continued, the words coming out smooth and even. "Who plundered the renovation funds for the towns in the southern borders and raised the taxes on the local establishments instead?"

The first thing I had heard the very second I returned from war was this. The issue had been reported to me by my loyal spies that I'd left behind.

These old nitwits deprived me of the rest I had long sought out for, resulting in the raging hatred and irritation coiling in the very depths of my soul.

In the morning, I had worse problems to attend to. I wanted to get this over with fast and drift off. But the right ruler would listen to her subjects first before taking any course of action.

The atmosphere grew darker, the shadows swaying as the candles in the corners flickered ominously. As though they'd predicted each of the men's fates. None answered my question, their bearded mouths clamped shut. Their brows and wrinkly necks were slick with cold sweat.

Derek took one step forward, reaching for the silver hilt of his sword. "Fools. Do you know what happens when you refuse to answer the Empress' questions?"

They shook harder as their fingers curled tighter atop their laps.

I raised a palm, telling my precious knight not to bother. Derek reluctantly released his grip from his weapon and stepped back.

"Let us try this again, shall we?" I seethed, pouring venom into my tone. "One of you will tell me who the culprit of the crime is. The suspect will face the consequences and the rest will be spared. Now, is that not too easy?"

Gradually, they lifted their bald heads, three quivering pointed fingers directing to the man who had gone grey as a wall.

"It was him, Your Majesty. He did everything by himself. W-we had no part in this whatsoever."

"Y-yes, Empress. We were not aware of this until now."

My lips curled wide in delight. Finally.

"Good." I rose and descended the steps, stopping an inch before the kneeling court officials. "I had not expected us to end this early in the night. You did well."

The three who had snitched on their companion let out breaths of relief in unison. The man in front of me looked me in the eye, his hands brought together. He was begging for his life.

"E-Empress, you must not believe them," he stammered. "I did not do anything, Empress. I would never do such treachery—"

I clicked my tongue. He pressed his lips in silence.

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